mike - 12/31/98 03:17:09
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: fur-o-philes homepage
Will you return?: yes!
Should other furs be considered?: no

My girl friend and I love to curl up in our fox blanket and make hot steamy love. This site has given me so many new ideas. And I know she'll love them all!

Mike, glad you have learnt something here. And don't worry, whatever Ms.B. says about envy, she is not alone*grin* - Mr.B.

Now would I say something like I was envious?? *sigh* -Ms.B.

Marcel - 12/29/98 17:48:15
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Mink
How did you find this place?: Mikhael's
Will you return?: yes, indeed
Should other furs be considered?: Of course
Which ones?: sable, fox, coyote

A great site, A Man's World is a great success! At last we can enjoy both men and women in fur! Marcel

Am glad you like it, Marcel. Now all I have to do is get my furs and my ugly mug into that section *grin*... ah well... -Mr.B.

What I wouldn't do to have pics of alllll you fur loving men to post... any volunteers darlings??? -Ms. B.

STEVE - 12/29/98 10:53:29
Your Favourite Fur: FOX; SABLE
How did you find this place?: NTC
Will you return?: MAYBE
Should other furs be considered?: YOUR SITE YOUR CHOICE THATS WHATS EXCITING


Thank you for the free rein, Steve.-Mr.B.

Paul Landucci - 12/29/98 04:58:02
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: mink
How did you find this place?: Frank's NTC web site
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: all fur
Which ones?: fox, rabbit

It's definitly nice to see a bunch of new fur web sites starting up. Thanks again, Paul

Hmmmm starting up??? *grin* This site is coming up to it's first birthday in March *grin* The reconstruction was the reason for the note about "under construction"... and time permitting there is still alot to be done. Come back at anytime and see what else pops into life here *grin* -Mr.B.

Oh and such plans we have... Hope you enjoy them as much as we do! -Ms.B.

Jay Johnson - 12/28/98 04:14:38
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: blue fox
How did you find this place?: via ntcweb
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: no

I love your site!!! I have 2 fetishes, fur and smoking--any pics of sexy women wearing fur,while smoking(virginia slim 120"s are my fav)???

There are a couple of said pics scattered herein. However, since this site deals mainly with fur, any other pics featuring ladies smoking must meet our "Fur Test" requirements.... I.E. Would Ms.B. or I wear that fur? - Mr.B.

Wow... I guess this means I can fulfill two fetish requirements... how interesting... I do learn something new every day. -Ms.B.

furxtc - 12/26/98 20:58:31
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: all furs
How did you find this place?: return engagement
Will you return?: always
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any fur of class and style

WOW!..Story IV is a true mind blowing reading experience. How I'd of loved being that man. Super story Mr. B. And what did Ms B think of it pray tell? Happy Holidays to two very wonderful and super classy people. My Fur hat is off to you both.

Ms.B. really can speak for herself *grin* and she thinks it is an incredible erotic work of art... and some day... *SEG* Oh yes... and I really don't know how I am going to top it but I am going to try! -Ms.B.

Stay tuned, you ain't read nothing yet *grin* The story has just begun. -Mr.B.

respect - 12/25/98 21:52:42
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox and wolfs
How did you find this place?: searching for fur sites
Will you return?: yes indeed
Should other furs be considered?: all sorts of
Which ones?: you name it :)

I really love your site very much and have bookmarked it so i can return often and get inspired by those beautiful pictures you got. Anyway the pics "from your desk" its taken by me some time last winter. Just keep it. I will hereby invite you to my new released site which include a lots of pics of lovely fetish ladies wearing furs. I'm just doing a fur video which will be focused on sigarett smoking ladies wearing furs... Visit

Nice to see you back online and updating the site *grin* And yes, the lady behind the desk in from our desk is from the first issue of your last fur fetish magazine. Had resisted the temptation to use them for so long, and she did seem to have the right demeanour and fur coat for what I had in mind. Thank you for allowing the continued use of that pic. -Mr.B.

Mr. B. never was one for resisting temptation long... but while we have YOU on the line... I am sure that we'll want to use more pics from your site at some point... hope you don't mind us having soooo much fun! -Ms.B.

Geoffurry - 12/24/98 00:13:14
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sable
How did you find this place?: TheFurring's Links
Will you return?: Of course
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Mink, fisher, coyote, raccoon ... The more, the merrier

Love your site. Pleased to see "A Man's World" under construction. Finally, someone on the net is going to give men's furs the recognition they deserve. Furs are not for women only. Curious ... Have you discovered a treasure chest of great men's fur pics? (I recognized the posted pic from Frank's site.) I look forward to future developments. Happy holidays. Geoffurry

Thanks Geoff. Well, as someone said at Frank's when that lot of men's pics were posted, a tailored coat on a man is quite acceptable, although we men will wear a ladies coat at the drop of a hat. *grin* Well, some of us anyway*grin* Hope that the Man's World section meets with your approval.-Mr.B.

I can never get enough pics of men in fur *sigh* shall keep watching for more and have them posted... after all... that's what my fantasies are made of... men and fur *sigh* -Ms.B.

John - 12/22/98 18:40:25
My Email:John1407
Your Favourite Fur: all kind
How did you find this place?: looking around
Will you return?: yes
Which ones?: fox pelts or stoles

It is great to look around. I enjoy it.

Am glad you enjoyed your visit. -Mr.B.

David Heukers - 12/22/98 10:37:15
My Email:don't have
Your Favourite Fur: lynx, fox (all kinds) & sable
How did you find this place?: altavista, looked for fox coats
Will you return?: YES!!!
Should other furs be considered?: YES!!!
Which ones?: all wich are big and soft

First of all, I would like to thank you for this page. Because I'm also a fur lover, and I'm 17. Wished I lived in Russia, for here in Holland, there are such a few people wearing fur. How'd you get all this pictures? Maybe you can send me some by post? Keep adding pictures! greetings; David Heukers ****************** ****************** Holland

Nice to know that fur is not restricted to us "oldies" *grin* As for where did the pics come from?? Welll, from assidiously going through every other site with pics and also Frank's Free upload area. (*sigh* yes, the Barguzin's are still awaiting the money god to be generous enough to allow the purchase of a decent scanner *SIGH* As such, I now don't change the file names so that the original provider gets all the credit for his/her good taste in fur. -Mr.B.

Please sweetie... think for your own safety before you post such personal information for all to see. Please??? -Ms.B.

Deliria - 12/18/98 23:38:00
My Email:deliria@
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: Via Mikhail
Will you return?: Ofcourse, who wouldn't!
Should other furs be considered?: Why not?
Which ones?: Gold Sable & White Lynx

I absolutely love the site. I check it occasionally looking for an update. I don't find one everytime I come along, but when I find's great. If only the update of 12/12 would get corrected. Love the site, and I'll be back soon. Greetings, Deliria

My apologies to all who have wondered if their puters were crazy. Due to an oversite on my part, and the way I upload files etc to this site, a bit of deleting was not done to all the pic files. And my checking of the files didn't reveal this to me ntil I had cleared out my cache. SOOOOOOOO With the cache cleared... no pics. NOW they are back up and viewable. Sorry. -Mr. B.

*giggle* Darling, I am always amazed at how quickly people spot our errors... I do believe some drop in every day... only wish we could post so fast! -Ms.B.

Paul - 12/15/98 23:40:29
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox and sable and lynx
How did you find this place?: mikhailk
Will you return?: always
Should other furs be considered?: no

I love your great side. A like the big and soft furs. Specially the erotic ones in the boudoir. Is it also possible to download your pics? and how does it work. Please let me know . Paul

Yes Paul, pics on this site can be saved to your HD. Just right click on the image you want and select "save image" from the drop menu. This I know applies to netscape, and the same would probably apply to IE3+. -Mr.B.

REID A. JENSEN - 12/15/98 19:20:49
Your Favourite Fur: ALL THEM
How did you find this place?: ON-LINE
Will you return?: AS OFTEN AS I CAN
Should other furs be considered?: YES
Which ones?: LYNX, ETC.


Sorry to disappoint you, Reid, but Ms.B. and I are not a store. (if we were, we wouldn't be dreaming of owning these furs, but... welll I leave that to your imagination.) So I am afraid a Catalogue does not exist. -Mr.B.

Of course... that does fall into the line of most fur fetishists dreams... to own our own furriers... I do believe our profits would be eaten up buy our purchases... -Ms.B.

sid ruze - 12/15/98 08:37:37
Your Favourite Fur: sable
How did you find this place?: searched&searched
Will you return?: constantly
Should other furs be considered?: more blankets
Which ones?: the softest

What class you pair have.I can only tell you that you have got it right.As someone who is a kindred spirit, I find great solace in knowing that you enjoy furs as much as I do.Perhaps one day I will share my collection with you.Until then it's back into " he closet" with a favourite friend and maybe a fox blanket or two, a fox stole, a nice sable and a warm fire.LOVE & FUR to the both of you.I shall remain in your debt.

A pleasure to be of assistance, Sid. Hmmm... those furs you mention, are they part of your collection?? -Mr.B.

OOOHHHH honey... don't take those furs back to the closet... enjoy them... in every room of your home... in everyway... furever!!! -Ms.B.

ScottInVancouver - 12/13/98 03:33:39
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Fox, Fox, Fox...and Fox
How did you find this place?: Old-time visitor
Will you return?: I do so every couple of days

Looks to be a slight problem with the new pages - some image links are broken. Just thought you'd like to know Scott

Thanks Scott... 10 hrs later and hopefully all is now working. Amazing what a difference adding "new" to a filename can do to a system *sigh* Oh well.... forge on... - Mr. B.

The air was blue at Mr.B.'s by the time he had found all those silly errors... and unfortunately it wasn't blue fox!! -Ms.B.

- 12/08/98 21:47:46
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: geocities
Will you return?: oh God YES !!!...
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: fox, fox, fox......

Give us more pictures with nude women in furs, because, fur is best on a naked women body. Ofcorse, fur must be fox.

Shall do my utmost to please *grin* Of course, you could always imagine that the ladies clothed are actually naked *grin* -Mr.B.

*sigh* Are you forgetting Mr. B.??? The rules of the homepage we are using says no pornography and we have stretched that more than just a little... We shall do our best to please you all but please forgive us for not pushing toooo hard... we wouldn't want to lose our site altogether now would we?? Darn, I do hate being sensible... -Ms.B.

FurMe - 11/28/98 07:03:54
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sheared Mouton Lamb
How did you find this place?: Bookmarked old site
Will you return?: Again & again!
Should other furs be considered?: All furs in the right setting are a turn on.
Which ones?: All furs in the right setting are a turn on.

If you could only get some of the new folks to write and post fur stories! That is about the only thing missing from this wonderful site. Love the new look and the fact that you take the time to update!

Thanks for the compliments. New stories will be added, as with Bedtime Story IV, and updates will continue, maybe not as a rush as with the "renewal" of the site, but they shall be forthcoming. -Mr.B.

We are working on more stories but you know... the ladies appear to be rather shy about sending us more... and the men?? Weeellll, since Mr.B. decided to post I don't know why we couldn't have more men writing for us. Just remember please?? That we wish stories of the sensual, erotic nature and not violent or extreme... -Ms.B.

FUR4UANDME - 11/28/98 00:12:33
How did you find this place?: BEEN HERE BEFORE
Will you return?: WILL BE BACK AGAIN
Should other furs be considered?: ABSOLUTLY

The way you have redone the site is furtanistic. The shopping link just reminded me how long its been since I've been shopping. Is there enough material to "cover" couples either by photo or stories and perhapes combinding both? fureverfur FUR4UANDME

Am glad you like the shopping section. Personally, it reminds me of what I have been missing as well, but hope to correct *grin*. As for the "couples".. well, Pics will be added anywhere herein, and couples will indeed be included.- Mr.B.

FUR4UANDME, unfortunately the majority of pics available are only of women... Amazingly enough, couples and men are seldom available *sigh*... so we shall always urge submissions for these pages. -Ms.B.



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