- 11/24/98 16:14:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: michael's
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: lynx

Your site is absolutely fantastic. I specially like the shopping page. Where are these heavenly fur shops located? I want to take a look there myself. FurFriend

Furfriend, well, those pics are mainly from a fur exhibition held on an annual basis in the Greek area of Kastoria. A link to the site is in our Links page and although the site is slow to load, it is well worth the wait and time, especially to learn about a town which is mainly concerned with the fur industry. Would you believe that these "shops" may in fact be open all year round as part of a large display showrrom?? Talk about a place for a furlover to holiday *grin* -Mr.B.

Hmmm.... A fur holiday... sounds like a plan to me!! -Ms.B.

linkwiz - 11/23/98 18:32:23
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: alpaca, fox, lynx
How did you find this place?: Mikhail's Soft Spot
Will you return?: If you update:)
Should other furs be considered?: sure
Which ones?: any!

I love the page. I thought I was weird to like the feel of fur in a sensual way. I have an alpaca rug that my wife and I use to accent our lovemaking. Also a rabbit jacket that I sometimes wear. I think fur is incredibly sensual and sexy. Thanks much for our page!

Linkwiz, welcome to the growing band/army(?) of men who are realising that their love of fur is not as uncommon nor as unique as we all at one time thought. It is also nice to know that we all don't have to be Sevarin (as in the book, "Venus in Furs") to enjoy the delights of fur. -Mr.B.

My dear, you merely have a tactile nature that gravitates toward fur. Weird?? NEVER!! Some men love their women in silk... some enjoy the feel of silk themselves... realistically?? Something feels good to each and every one of us, just accept it and enjoy it! -Ms.B.

prn - 11/22/98 22:10:48
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: linklist
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes

a good good site, thank you so much I have a question.I downloaded a zip-file and unzip - a password is needed, how can I get it? Thank you Peter sorry my bad english, but my scooltime is long long ago

see bit below, Peter *grin* As for the password, well I am sorry, but we are unable to help without more detail. Maybe a post at NTCWEB's Fur Forum, a link can be found in our LINKS page will bring forth the answer. -Mr.B.

I am sure our fur devotees will want to help... Ladies and Gentlemen, where are you?? -Ms.B.

Matija Borda - 11/22/98 09:20:08
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox
How did you find this place?: via Altavista
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: no

The site is great. I will come again. Pictures of furs are more then great. I realy enjoyed. I will come back again. Sorry for my bad english.

Matija, your english is nowhere near as bad as my ummmm nope won't even hazard a guess as to where you are from *grin* Am glad that you enjoyed your visit, and you are welcome to return at anytime. -Mr.B.

Matija, I envy you for being bilingual. Welcome to our world! -Ms.B.

- 11/17/98 06:09:36
Your Favourite Fur: Sable
How did you find this place?: The Furring
Will you return?: Oh yes !
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Fox

Like the new changes. Elegant and enticing And as for the furs - almost all, fabulous and some so beautiful and desirable it's painful.

Hmmmm didn't know we were into pain and furs... *grin* But true, the effect of some of these pics can be very painful in a delightfully selfish and desirable way... as in I WANT THAT ONE.. and that one... and that one...-Mr.B.

Now Mr.B. it seems to me that we all want such pleasure it is almost painful *SEG* -Ms.B.

bobllbob - 11/14/98 13:46:16
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox/lynx
How did you find this place?: Mikhail's
Will you return?: Absolutely!
Should other furs be considered?: All fur is beautiful!
Which ones?: Any fur but fake!

Its great to find a place for people who love fur! No one here to push their absurd views on us! I think anyone opposed to fur must not understand the true beauty of a woamn draped in pelts! Its great to see more an more women putting beauty and fashio ahead of a silly 'cause.' Thanks for the site. I love the furs!

WEG It could be argued that Ms.B and I are pushing are pushing our views. Fortunately, this is being done (mostly) to the converted *grin* -Mr.B.

I shall interject if I may, *giggle* of course I may, this is my page too!! Gentlemen, I only wish to point out that many of the objections to wearing fur are valid and everyone is entitled to their opinion. The inhumane way in which some of these furs are harvested is a concern to all of us however, the reality of the situation is that no product or advancement would have ever come about without animals at some point and merely wearing fur because we desire it does not make us guilty of inhumanity. As soon as the petaphiles stop eating meat, using animal tested products, using scare tactics and terrorism and stop being hypocrits then perhaps I shall take them more seriously.*stepping down from my soapbox* -Ms.B.

FurDevil - 11/12/98 23:04:15
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox
How did you find this place?: ntcweb
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: coyote

Just LOVE this place!!!!

FurDevil, glad all our hardwork is appreciated *grin* - Mr.B.

furxtc - 11/11/98 17:35:42
Your Favourite Fur: all furs
How did you find this place?: big fan
Will you return?: absolutely
Should other furs be considered?: always
Which ones?: those of style/elegance

Ms B/Mr your new site....And I really love the shopping pages. Heavenly!!... fur season is full upon us. Hope so see many lovely ladies wearing their furs this season. Once again you both have hit a bullseye. Thanks for much for your time and dedication to making yours a site of class and elegance. Happy Holidays.

A very Happy Holiday to you too, my Dear! Guess what?? Fur has already begun to appear in this neck of the woods! Isn't it wonderful!! -Ms.B.

The Fox Guy - 11/11/98 16:15:00
Your Favourite Fur: Fox
How did you find this place?: links
Will you return?: For sure
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: I like them all

To me there is nothing sexier than a woman in a fur coat, especially a deep, thick red fox fur. You have a great site, keep up the good work. Any ideas on how to get one's girlfriend "hooked" on furs?

AHHHHHH the neverending quest for the way to seduce a lady to furs. I have found that it helps if the lady in question owns a fur. From then, it is a matter of seeing how she responds to the feel. But as many here have testified, finding the right girl and then getting her to love fur and all its intrinsic subtleties is harder than finding the right girl. Best advice I can give ? Ask Ms.B. *grin* - Mr.B.

Ouch... on the hotseat now *LOL* Do you own a pair of fur mittens?? A gentle seduction and gradual introduction to fur is always wonderful. The dinner and candlelight... a massage... close your eyes and relax darling... are you getting the idea?? The lovely mittens magically appearing at the right moment... *shiver* Such a lovely thought! Good luck! -Ms.B.

furet - 11/07/98 02:08:44
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: NTC reference
Will you return?: all the time
Should other furs be considered?: All furs
Which ones?: Beaver,

Where are you? I've been checking the site almost daily since Aug and no action. I hope everything is OK. We miss your wit and unique perspective on our first and main love - fur. Furet

Furet.. our apologies for the delay in updates, but weeeeeeelllll.. man does not live by fur alone... be nice to try though*grin* Hopefully the latest updates have been as you expected. -Mr.B.

Alas, tis mostly my fault Furet... My dear Mr.B. has had several pages ready for my auditing but with the pressing time constraints of work and family I have just not had the time... Do hope that you aren't too frustrated with me *pouting prettily* -Ms.B.

brrrmmm - 11/04/98 23:20:20
Your Favourite Fur: mink/fox
How did you find this place?: links
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all

Great job- wonderful site.

Glad you like it- Mr.B.

We love presenting it to you... enjoy *smile* -Ms.B.

Brutus - 10/28/98 18:53:49
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: red fox
How did you find this place?: by accident
Will you return?: you bet
Should other furs be considered?: all long haired power furs

I love ladies in fur. If you put the most beautiful woman naked in front of me and a an average girl next door type in a big bulky fur I know who I would be asking to come home with me!

Brutus... Ain't that the truth- Mr.B.

Oh ladies?? Anyone interested in a furloving down to earth male?? *LOL* -Ms.B.

- 10/27/98 21:15:34
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Crystal Fox
How did you find this place?: Fur Lovers Chat Room
Will you return?: Oh Yes
Should other furs be considered?: Any and all furs
Which ones?: Lynx, sable, Chinchilla

I am finding that I am in the minority, a woman who adores furs, not just to wear outdoors and keep warm in the winter, but as an integral part of love-making and sensuality. This site appears dedicated to my passion, and seeing and hearing others with t e same obsession provides me with additional motivation to pursue my fur fancy to whatever stages I can afford. I currently own 3 full length foxes, a 3/4 length black stroller, and 2 full length minks. My passion grows everytime I see a new pic of anot er beatiful woman enjoying furs. Needless to say, I have made a convert of my husband, who now, would rather have me in furs in our bedroom, than anyplace else. Thank you for fueling the passions for fur

InFurs, all I can say is that it is rewarding to know that despite what we mere males may believe that there are actually women "out there" who also share our love of fur. Your husband is a very lucky chap... and I can see Ms.B. looking wistfully at your list of furs, dreaming of the day her wardrobe is so-filled. -Mr.B.

I can just tell that this conversion to fur loving was not a difficult one. *LOL* We shall continue to do our best at "stoking the fires" - Ms.B.



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