More Silver fox. One can never have too much.  And the contrast in the facial expressions of these two ladies is in line with the furs they wear : the left is "full bodied and cheeky" whilst the right is "bashful, yet with possibilities.". -Mr.B.

I can play that game too... I think it is called an open invitation VWSEG -Ms.B.

Blue fox, both of which I would like to feel and wear. As for the ladies' expressions.... it looks like they are both awaiting something.. or someone. - Mr.B.

Of course! I'd be waiting for someone soooo special *sigh* -Ms.B.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhh Finally ladies smiling at their good fortune to be wearing such fur coats and either of the coats would do me. Have actually been partial to that on the right since I first saw it, and believe this is the first time I have shown it. -Mr.B.

Oooooooooooo.. show me more... and more... Damn you make me feel positively wicked *sigh* but then again... when it comes to fur i AM positively wicked -Ms.B.

The collar on this coat, and the fullness of the fur MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM... yes please I want... - Mr.B.

But darling you said you want it all.. in fact you said "the whole box and dice??" - Ms.B.

IS it any wonder these ladies are smiling as well?? I mean, they have the pleasure of being swathed in thick furs, whilst we ... well, all we can do is admire their taste and dream. - Mr.B.

And dream... and dream... - Ms.B.


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