Blonde and silver fox... hmmm Now why do I find this pic so appealling?? - Mr.B.

*fluttering eyelashes* I wonder why that is?? -Ms.B.

Hmm since these coats have been "feathered", I can't help but wonder how dense they would have been if not for the leather inserts between each strip of fur. Then again, they do have the coats, don't they? MMMMMMMMM those collars ... -Mr. B.

Oh yes... such collars *sigh* -Ms.B.

Silver fox ... I do seem to be repeating don't I?? Ah well, maybe if I repeat enough, I shall receive... - Mr.B.

Gee where have I heard that before?? -Ms.B.

"Stepping out with my Baby..." And these ladies are definitely putting their best foot forward. Two fox coats to wear and be seen wearing... -Mr.B.

Awww heck... stepping out and feeling the best sexy me!! -Ms.B.

"Best"?? Wellllllllll, it is all in the seeing and wearability, isn't it?? Actually , either coat would keep this ol' bloke quite happy and at best, warm *grin* -Mr.B.

There is something wrong with the image you jsut created... hmmm... anyone want a slightly (very slightly *wink*) used new Fur Queen?? LOL -Ms.B.


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