Usually, a full shot is used, but with this silver fox, I'll still like it as the imagination sees it as floor length *shiver* -Mr. B.

OOOoooooooooooooooo such a reaction!! -Ms.B.

One can never have too much blue fox, now can one. And in this case, Jacket and stole are definitely NOT overkill. - Mr.B.

To each their own.. but the stole is in the wrong spot... Oops... *blush* -Ms.B.

An oversized coat?? I care not. The more the merrier I say, and she does not appear to mind. - Mr.B.

Well it does make it a furrier hug... -Ms.B.

This looks like an escapee from Ms. B's Boudoir.... and is indeed a very heart warming scene. One doesn't need nudity to "set a scenario"... and my mind's eye can't move from her hand and the way she is teasing the fur. the mind Boggles. -Mr.B.

Sheesh... these tactile people... is that all you have on your mind?? LOL -Ms.B.

Just to prove I do not have a total fixation on blue and silver fox, a red fox with an enchanting collar. One thing this Aussie notices is that their hands are not furred, or even gloved. I know where my hands would be. -Mr.B.

Most of us have a little more... ummm.. what is the word I am looking for.. oh yes.. restraint LOL -Ms.B.

Another lush silver fox and blue fox combo. Well, at least their hands aren't completely exposed to the chill .. class will out. -Mr.B.

If I were the lady on the left.. my eyes would be closed and I'd be singing Bryon Adams... "Please forgive, I know not what I do.. Please forgive me I can't help loving you. Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through. Please forgive me if I need ya like I do." *big sigh... shiver* -Ms.B.


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