A Few Best Kept Secrets Under the Blue Skies of Uruguay

Not the ball, but the master of the ball - footballers.

Not Quite, it is the IT, Science & Educational Sectors.
Featuring the Best Available in South America.

Best of All - the People & the Rich Heritage of Culture & Traditions.

Why don't I start with a little tour for you ? Many surprises are in here.

That is what the main theme of this site is all about. Click to view some messages posted.

Strangely, it took a football event to make me realize that there are so many fellow countrymen scattered around the globe. The
World Youth Championship 97 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has inspired us to realize how the internet can get everybody together streatching from continents. With special permission, I have downloaded and compiled the whole list (Total of 634 messages - 21 pages (each page 30 messages)) of Uruguayan supporters who posted messages to the Message Board during the championship and thought it may not be a bad idea to use the internet to bridge everybody together either from my home land or overseas for common interest on exchange of social and support information among all Uruguayan residents in their respective countries.

Valentin Mandarin -

"I am Leonard, from Malaysia. My company is the developer of the web site for the World Youth Championship held in my country. I got to know Tino when the Championship started. Believe me, he is a great salesman from a not so familiar country to us called Uruguay, and I have never seen a man have so much passion and love for his country. When we decided to create a special section for the Message Board for the WYC '97, he used to be our "special" advisors on Spanish & Portuguese based communication matters. As I was suggesting to him that since you have a database created for so many Uruguayans, why can't you use this opportunity to create a section for communication through the Internet with all the Uruguayan community who lives throughout the world.

The Championship is over now and it's sad to see how your young and talented players came so close of sealing the world championship title, and couldn't. I told him "it's all right" at least, the team has created the miracle of binding the hearts and souls of your 3 million population together again. I voluntarily helped him to design this web site for I wish to see the spirit of togetherness among your fellow Uruguayans cherish what you have in hand and use this special opportunity to get together for common support and interests....this is the reason why I am spending so much time on this particular section, so you can have a common place to share among yourselves..and Tino, don't thank me - you have my respects & you deserve that.

I hope one day, I can make a holiday trip to Uruguay...Tino, and find out what is the drink called "mate", over there myself!"

Managing Director
MIR Communications Sdn Bhd.


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