Yeshua (Jesus) said,

It is Finished. John 19:30

What was Finished? Any sort of blood sacrifice to make anything "fit", "consecrated", "holy", "pure" or "acceptable" to G-d, was Finished. Over and Done.[1]

These doctrines, (the "Rapture", the "7 year Great Tribulation", the "Millennium") are doctrines of devils because they claim that Yeshuas' (Jesus') Word is "put on hold" so that "certain postponed events" will take place where animal sacrifices will be offered "with Gods' approval". All the while, Scripture clearly says that any nation that offers animal sacrifices after His Sacrifice was Given, offer them to devils and not to G-d. I Corinthians 10:20.[2]

In their "7 year Jewish Age"[3] (which they also call "the Great Tribulaton") Yeshuas' (Jesus') Words It is Finished will be pre-empted so animals CAN once again be sacrificed!


Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word in no wise shall ever pass away. Matthew 24:35

In the Greek, where it says, "not pass away" that is a derivative of parerxomai.

parerxomai means "to pass by, to lose force, to disappear, be passed over, become invalid."

Matthew 24:35 says none of this "passing by" will happen. His Words will not "be passed over", "passed by", etc. This is affirmed in the Greek by a double negative: ouk mh which means in the strongest possible terms in no case, absolutely not, never!

Neither Darby nor Scofield were scholars of the original languages of Scripture. This is a well-known fact. Here, main points of their doctrines are clearly exposed as a lie.

They forced a false interpretation upon Scripture saying Yeshuas' Words WILL be "passed over" so that animal sacrifices can be done again in their "Jewish Age"? Amazing.

Dispensationalists since have been trying to convince people that Yeshuas' Words, It is Finished really do not mean all sacrifices are now done away; Finished, but His Words will be "passed over" at the "Rapture", which they claim "starts Gods' clock again" with Daniel 9 and animal sacrifices will resume for "the last 7 years of the Jewish Age". Not only that but their "Millennium" as well!?! Then FINALLY, after 1,007 years (which haven't even started yet) at long last sacrifices can FINALLY be over? Totally amazing again.


Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, "This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the L-rd, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Hebrews 10:15-18

Dispensationalism completely denies that any Old Testament Prophecy was for the Church. That includes Jeremiah 31:31 ff. which is quoted above from the Book of Hebrews as being Fulfilled the Church! Here are other Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by the Church, proving their doctrine totally false.


People may not recognize that term, but if you have ever heard of "The Rapture", the "7 year Great Tribulation" or the "Millennium" then you have and may not have known it. Again, why are we saying that these doctrines are "doctrines of devils"?

Simply because all animal sacrifices are now OVER. The Dispensational camp however, says that there are still additional sacrifices to take place in the future with Gods' approval!?! Believers need to ask themselves, for WHICH SINS will these sacrifices be made for an additional 1,007 years? Sins for which the New Testament says that Jesus Christ already gave His Life?


In about 1830, John Nelson Darby "borrowed" the "Rapture" after listening to a 15 year-old "female preacher" by the name of Margaret MacDonald.

(the "7 year Great Tribulation" and the "Millennium" were the work of a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest by the name of Francisco Ribera in 1640. He developed this "papally-approved alternative view" of Scripture simply to counter-attack the Protestant teaching that the popes of Rome were AntiChrists. His doctrines sought to bring "wayward Protestants" back to the Roman Catholic Church by saying the "AntiChrist" was just ONE man, not MANY as I John 2:18 says there will continue to be. "The AntiChrist" could be in the PAST (the early Church) or the FUTURE (during his "last 7 seven years of the Jewish age": i.e. at the end of time) but NOT IN THE PRESENT. He simply sought to eliminate any possiblitiy that the popes were AntiChrists as the Protestants claimed they were. Simpla as that.

Back to Darby. Darby never did give Margaret MacDonald one ounce of credit for "The Rapture". Her "vision" drew huge crowds of fearful and spell-bound people. Darby heard of it and was seen visiting her public performance on at least one occasion, and he would have noticed the large crowds gathered. Ladies and Gentlemen, large crowds mean large collections of money. Darby apparently put 2+2 together and suddenly he began preaching this new "Rapture" theory. One unheard of in the entire history of the Church!

Darby said that the Church would be removed from the earth, putting Yeshuas' Words, It is Finished, "on hold" for "7 years"[4] while the Temple is rebuilt (again with Gods "approval"?!?!) and animal sacrifices offered once more (presumably under the supervision of the rabbis?). That Yeshuas' Words virtually come to be made of none effect during this "7 year Great Tribulation" and "The Millennium" as well was ignored and is still ignored by vast numbers of people who still claim to be "Christians".![5]


Sometimes criticism against Emperor Constantine I is expressed. Regardless of what persons have heard, or what they may have been led to believe about him personally, he did ban all animal sacrifices in the Empire. That is a fact. Now, no "pagan rites" or any other sort of "rites" where animals were sacrificed could be truly done without them. Like it or not, he banned them all.

According to what we have researched and discovered, Emperor Constantine I did convert to Christianity, read the Scriptures and consulted with all the most respected Christian teachers of his day. He clearly saw that continuing to offer animal sacrifices after Yeshua said It is Finished and Gave His Life ending them meant just that.

His own Edicts contain his personal testimony of when he was an unsaved pagan, and worshipped Appolos, but now he declared that he was a Christian, and that the cross was carried before his victorious armies as a sign (he called it His [Christs'] Ensign) that Yeshuas' Sacrifice had already done away with all other sacrifices. Here are some of his Edicts including the ones that forbad all animal sacrifices in the Empire. Constantine declared that one could follow any religion thay wished as long as animal sacrifices were not included. There were to be no "forced conversions" to Christianity, as it was forbidden; again by Edict.

The enforcement of Constantines' Edict forbidding all animal sacrifices in the Empire brought peace, prosperity and civil order. The crime rates dropped, civil unrest came to a halt, natural disasters lessened and plagues ceased.

The main reason, Constantine said, is that G-d now abominates all animal sacrifice (proving by so doing they have rejected Yeshuas' sacrifice) and brings His Divine Wrath and Judgment upon any nation that permits it. We might say that offering these sacrifices energizes demonic power within a nation.[6]


"Mainstream Dispensationalism"[7] says that in the "Millennium" Yeshua will reign from Jerusalem over a carnal earth (with sinners still present) and animal sacrifices will again be offered at a rebuilt Temple, again presumably under rabbinic supervision?

In this "scenario", they have Yeshua present bodily while His Words and the New Testament are still "put on hold" for another 1,000 years this time. Yeshua in other words, becomes separated from His Own Words Spoken in the New Testament.

Anyone suggesting that animal sacrifices are ever to be re-established which Yeshua came to put an end to is very much mistaken.

According to the New Testament therefore, the doctrines of Dispensationalism draws its energy:

...according to the prince of the power of the air, that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Ephesians 2:2

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[1]According to Daniel Chapter 9, verses 26 and 27 the daily sacrifice and oblation shall cease. Has it "ceased"? Yes, it certainly has for almost 2,000 years! The question is, does "cease" mean "cease" or not? We say it does.

[2]Some may say that I Corinthians 10:20 does not apply to the Jewish people because it refers to Gentiles or "pagans". This is based on a poor translation of the word ethnh, which in this passage should rightly be translated "nations" as it is elsewhere.

Should there still be doubt in anyones' mind about this, then turn to the Book of Hebrews which is addressed to "The Hebrews". The Jewish people. Yeshua Completely Fulfilled this Prophecy:

Wherefore when He Cometh into the world He Saith, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and [offering] for sin Thou Wouldest Not, but a Body Thou Hast Prepared Me: in burnt offerings and [sacrifices] for sin Thou Hast no pleasure. Then I Said Lo, I Come, (in the Volume of the Book it Is Written of Me), to Do Thy Will O G-d. Above when He Said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offering for sin Thou Wouldest not neither hadst pleasure [therein]; which are offered by the Law (Torah); Then Said He, Lo I Come to Do Thy Will O G-d. He Taketh away the First (removing all sacrifices under the Law) that He May Establish the Second (The New Covenant). By the which we are Sanctified by the Offering of the Body of Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) once [for all]. Hebrews 10:5-10

Also see Hebrews 9:12. The Greek word there is ephataz which is a strict time-designated word and means "once for all time" and does not mean "once for all (people)" as some have erroneously assumed.

This makes it clear that there are no more sacrifices to take place by either Jew or Gentile leaving the Dispensationalists and others without a doctrinal leg to stand on.

[3]Speaking of their "Jewish Age", it is interesting to observe that none of the so-called "scholars" that developed or originally spread this "doctrine" were Jewish either.

[4]The Court has ruled that animal sacrifices are permitted for a "religious" purpose. Go Here for the 1993 ruling. We have no choice but to Obey G-ds' Word, therefore, we oppose this ruling.

[5] The early Church had no problem whatsoever regarding the interpretation of the "seventy weeks" of Daniel Chapter 9:

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy Holy city... Daniel 9:24

The "70 weeks" are the reason why the historical event of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem is fixed at 70 A.D. (oy vey, even rabbinic Judaism has it 70 C.E. in case anyone didn't know!)

The very early Church (before there was a "pope" Ruled on this matter. (The dominant bishop of Rome has been selected by todays' Roman Catholic Church as "pope" whoever that was down through Church history and supposedly "ruled" the Church, but as we shall see this is not correct.)

The fact is that the power of the Church resided in the East from Constantinople and Ephesus and also included Alexandria and North Africa. The "pope of Rome" title grew greater in influence after 565 A.D.) We know the office of bishop of Rome held small authority in the East because "pope" Leo "the Great"s' (d. 461) theological opinions were heard in Constantinople but never given serious consideration as any great theological or doctrinal import.

It should be remembered that until the time of Gregory III (bishop of Rome 731-741) every bishop of Rome had to be approved by Church authorities in Constantinople before he was ever permitted to assume the office of bishop.

(as a side note, the first Gregory, Gregory I, called "the Great" (bishop of Rome 590-604) was the first one who set aside the teachings of Augustine on Election and Predestination. Gregory I on the one hand, publically revered Augustine, but on the other, set aside his teachings.

Gregory I was the first one responsible for taking Augustines' writings where Augustine conjectured that he wondered whether there was a place of purging the sins of the Saints after death and by fiat Gregory I "established" such a place of "Purgatory" which was never at all meant to be a binding doctrine by Augustine!

Gregory I also introduced "masses for the dead" because of this. He also instituted the "resacrifce" of Yeshua in the mass in which he taught that Yeshua "comes down from heaven and is resacrificed again" each time at the mass.

To be fair, certain rabidly anti-Roman Catholic literature has apparently been circulated among the Churches, and while we are not Roman Catholics, we have to present the facts to you, so let us set a few things straight about the Calendar and explain the 70 A.D. date while we are at it.

In 527 A.D., (before there was a "pope"), as a result of Dionysius Exiguus' calculations the Julian Calendar was changed making it more accurate. They "fixed" the Temple destruction by Titus as "70 A.D." (the "seventy weeks") and by this event calculated back to the year "1 A.D." for the year of Yeshuas' Incarnation (A.D. = an abbreviation for "Anni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi.", which is Latin for "In the Year of our L-RD Jesus Christ.") later, it was corrected yet again under Gregory XIII in 1582 (it is known as the Gregorian Calendar for this reason), but it still retains the 70 A.D. reference point developed in 527 A.D. by Exiguus.

As for the set date of "Christmas", this was also done by Dionysius Exiguus who took March 25 as the Spring Equinox (earlier established by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.) as the date of the Incarnation with Yeshuas' birth then 9 months later on December 25th. There was, as stated, no "pope" at this time.

We won't go into why the "New Year" starts on January 1st except to say that it is because of the much earlier Julian Calendar which fixed January 1st as the date and it was approved by the Roman Senate in 46 B.C. Caesar wanted it to begin either on the Spring Equinox (Caesars' first choice: the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. established the Spring Equinox as March 25th) or the Winter Solstice and the Roman Senate decided for the Winter Solstice and Caesar acquiesced.

That Christmas continues to be celebrated on December 25th and January 1st remains "New Years Day" were not some "peculiar inventions by the Roman Catholic Church" but have their true origins in (1.) Christmas: 527 A.D. before there was a "pope" as proved) and (2.) "New Years' Day": the much earlier Julian Calendar of 46 B.C.

Decenber 25th as "Christmas" was never set up to be celebrated in place of a "pagan festival" by "the Roman Catholic Church" as some alledge, but was simply calculated 9 months from March 25th which had previously been Ruled as the Spring Equinox at the Council of Nicaea in 325.

The Dispensationalists, "Rapture preachers" and others are usually totally clueless as usual about all of this.

[5]The worship of Appolos demanded animal sacrifice. Appolos, however, was not the most worshipped "god" in Asia Minor; Diana was. Diana was also called "Artemis", and "The Queen of Heaven". Diana worship was centered in Ephesus. The worship of Diana also required animal sacrifice. As stated, Constantine banned all of them.

Animal sacrifices are now TOTALLY UNAUTHORIZED by G-d Himself. They serve to energize demonic forces in a nation. Man cannot just say they might be "ok". They bring the empowerment of demonic spirits. This is why there are such passages as Exodus 23:24 and many other passages. The children of Israel were Commanded to break down the altars where these sacrifices were taking place, and so disempower the forces of spiritual darnesss which energized those that opposed G-d Almighty.

[6]We are presenting "Mainstream Dispensationalism" to you. Not all Dispensationalists are in agreement by a long shot. You might ask one and he will say, "we don't believe that at all!" But look a little closer at what they say they believe and you will find some thing just as strange or worse.

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