There are a list of Doctrines given in Hebrews Chapter 6:1,2 which we are to "graduate from" in order to become Mature or "Perfect". [1] Many interesting things are Revealed by this Scripture.

Here is the list:

Therefore leaving the [first] principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. Hebrews 6:1,2

All the Doctrines listed above are the "elementary Doctrines" of the Faith. These Doctrines are to be known and understood before the believer can move on to "Perfection".

The "First Principles of Christ": that He is Messiah and the Only Savior. The Means whereby the Believer gets Saved (Divine Faith alone) and also the Means of Repentance are cited along with the various "Baptisms" (which would include the Baptism in the Holy Spirit), Laying on of Hands, Resurrection of the dead and Eternal Judgment.

All the above Doctrines are to be Fully Understood before the Believer can Progress.

But the verse continues:


Heb 6:3 And (kai) this (touto) will we do (poieo) if (ean) (per) God (theos) permit (epitrepo).

We see here that not all Believers are Permitted to Progress. Some are "held behind", still in the Doctrines listed above. They are unable to Understand them. We do not know why. G-d has His Reasons for not Permitting these ones from continuing. G-d Himself prevents certain ones from Progressing.

Let us look closer:

Heb 6:4 For (gar) [it is] impossible (adunatos) for those who were once (hapax) enlightened (photizo) and (te) have tasted (geuomai) of the heavenly (epouranios) gift (dorea), and (kai) were made (ginomai) partakers (metochos) of the Holy (hagios) Ghost (pneuma),

Heb 6:5 And (kai) have tasted (geuomai) the good (kalos) word (rhema) of God (theos), and (te) the powers (dunamis) of the world (aion) to come (mello)

Heb 6:6 If (kai) they shall fall away (parapipto) to renew them (anakainizo) again (palin) unto (eis) repentance (metanoia); seeing they crucify (anastauroo) to themselves (heautou) the Son (huios) of God (theos) afresh (anastauroo) and (kai) put [him] to an open shame (paradeigmatizo)

Here it says that even though these ones may appear to Repent, yet they are still unable to do so fully and remain in these elementary doctrines unable to fully understand them, perhaps even as Doctrines. They may simply have been taught that "Jesus never Commanded us to teach Doctrines" or something like that. This could be the deceptive teaching of false teachers who have influenced them to believe it. There is no such thing as no Doctrine. The very verse that they may have been taught to use against Doctrine, The Great Commission, also says, "Teaching them to observe whatsoever things I have Commanded you". Jesus taught the Apostle Paul Doctrines, and the Apostle Paul taught Doctrines, and we are to do likewise.

As for those who are completely against Doctrine. There is something in their life that is holding them back.

They have done something. We may not know what it is, but for His Reasons, G-d has Chosen to leave them here in Hebrews 6. They may still be Saved, but they cannot Progress.

Sometimes the individuals who are unable to progress feel dissatisfied in the state where G-d has left them. They may become impatient and angry, or feel they know as much as anyone and lash out at their teachers. Some form separate groups hoping to escape learning doctrine, or can even form whole denominations of those who cannot progress. Still others blame G-d as unrighteous in leaving them where they are. They are carnal, and may also be under Divine Discipline.

Because they are not Permitted to progress, some may then believe that knowledge is not really important at all in the Christian life. Some of these types actively try to split congregations over misinterpretations of the Doctrines above, thinking others are as unable as they are to comprehend these Doctrines.[2] It is best to simply leave them alone.


The great men of the Faith who have gone before may be looked down on by some of these persons and they may refuse to accept their Spiritual authority, or really any Spiritual authority (except perhaps their own).

Others may criticise believers who are progressing by saying, "Theology is merely doctrines and commandments of men." and other such nonsense. As if they were the only ones privy to Biblical understanding. They also may reject Doctrine altogether, and refuse "judging" also on this basis.

They may also be involved in preaching the "Love Gospel" while at the same time separating from, maligning and judging others (which they never seem to notice themselves doing!).

They are also may be marked by a reluctance to genuinely study. (II Timothy 2:15) All this because G-d has not Permitted them to progress. The ones not progressing sometimes gather in their own area of "non-study" so they can be more comforable with others of similar bent.

We do not know how long G-d will leave certain ones in Hebrews 6, unable to Progress.

We, however, must Move On.

More Following Soon!


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[1]The Greek word "telios" can be translated "Mature" or "Perfect", of full age.

[2]These ones often call for "more Love" and "no Judgment". They oftentimes gravitate toward those who will "tickle" their "itching ears" and appoint themselves "teachers" because they "will not endure sound doctrine". II Timothy 4:3.

As a matter of fact, it has been seen that some declare all the words of the Bible should be removed and just one page in the whole Bible with one word on that page: "Love"!

This is absurd to the point of silliness of course, but some of these types are serious! Many are antinomians and reject G-ds' Law outright. (I John 3:4; Acts 21:25).

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