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` We have traced Humanism[1] through its' historical roots from Genesis 3:15 to the Socratic Ideal to its' end-result that Human Reason cannot be unbiased or totally objective, and natural mans' discovery that he can never reach Absolutes using his Reason alone. We are left with Postmodernism now (see previous page). This leaves only the "unconscious" or "dream-state" as an answer. Humanistic man, (unregenerate or carnal man) cannot find the answer using his Reason alone. So what does he do? He then makes a "leap" into the area of Non-Reason: The Mystical.

Then what place Religion?

Humanistic man begins with Human Reason, but turns more and more to the Mystical when Reason breaks down. We see this not only in aboriginal cultures, but all cultures as well where "common sense" is the core accepted value, but then if it breaks down, individuals and cultures turn more and more to mystical rites or ceremonies, mystical texts, and then Mystics to interpret these texts and/or "mystical messages" for their Absolutes.

Since all of Humanism is man-centered (incresingly more women-centerered in Christian Mysticism), these "Mystics" now become the "Spiritual Elite" of these mystical or quasi-mystical groups. Their presuppositions are based upon Humanistic autonomous thought, human merit or ability. Others have "the spirit" of a "Mystical Reality" be their standard.

Some reject Divine Grace and Divine Faith alone as a valid System of Thought, while others claim experiences with "the spirit" are the "ultimate reality" and base some "doctrine" of a "Mystical Faith" upon that.

In the main bowever, Christian Mystics do accept Grace and Faith but many times freely apply their own "new definitions" to these terms which are just plain mystical in nature.

Remember that Christian Mysticism preaches a "New Church", "free from the past", without the Rulings, Councils and Synods of the True Assemblies. THey usually recite the Apostles' Creed and carry "King James Bibles" however, to appear as "real christians" but reject everything else the Church authorities wrote or Ruled on as "Not for today!". Coincidentally, both Feminists and Gay Rights" movements use precisely the same argument.

To replace the Rulings and historical texts of the early Church, they substitute the Mystical in their place.

They can be separated into Three Groups:


This is the main group of Christian Mysticism in our day. It is divided into two sub-groups: ones that do not condone drug use in worship, and ones who may, or do.

The groups that turn to drug use combined with their teachings will many times use them as a "last resort" because they cannot find answers using Human Reason and/or human faith alone. To them, this is the turning to the "ultimate unconscious" or "ultimate dream/drug-state" which gives their form of Christian Nysticism its' desperately-needed base. They may use the works of Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary, Carlos Castenada or be as the the Rastfarians, for instance. This can also be seen in our stu0dies of the modern-day music, arts and cinema (see previous pages).

The group that does not (opemly) condone drug use, which is the subtlest "Christian Mysticism" of all, has led to the false LOVE GOSPEL. This an area where the Emotions rule of course, which is the identifying characteristic of all forms of Mysticism, Christian and non-christian alike.

Persons who have any past experience with drugs or substance abuse (we can also place habitual use of prescription drugs in this category which alter the state of consciousness) make these new Believers the easiest prey for Christian Mysticism.


Another group, (seeking more "intellectual" Rational Humanistic answers), may use Scripture itself to elevate themselves or their group, many times relying on the "Original Languages" (Linguistics), "Exegesis" (Textual Criticism), Rites and Ceremonies, or an obscure body of "ancient mystical texts" which they then claim (through initiatory studies) the ability to interpret or understand. Even though the Apostle Paul and now Secular Postmodernism as well have refuted all of Humanism and Human Reason as an answer, man keeps going back to it, "like a dog returning to its' vomit", or a "sow wallowing in the mire".


The last group uses physical ability. There may also be "mystical systems" involved with such groups. The Apostle Paul stated :

"For bodily exersize profiteth little: but G-dliness is profitable unto all things, having Promise of the Life that now Is, and of that which Is to Come."[2]

Some groups also may require certain Human Works, Religious Rites or "spritual" Ceremonies to be performed (by their group, or a sanctioning body) before an initiate can be "promoted" or granted entrance to their "inner circle".

These groups should be immediately identified from our studies to be exactly what they are: Humanism dressed-up in different clothes. Man again seeking autonomy and attempting to take the credit and so keep a "following" over his "competitors". From this following, instructing other people in Humanism (man-centered answers which sooner or later substitute some "Religious" Human Work or Works for the Grace of G-d) adding more and more followers to their Humanistic belief-system.

Where do they go wrong?

These groups attempt to combine autonomous Humanistic Elements (Human Works) with G-ds' Grace[3] to "improve" man spiritually, rejecting the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), Pauls' Gospel and Divine Faith alone as the means to Spirituality. Not only Spirituality, but Imputation of Divine Righteousness, Sanctification, Justification and Reconciliation apart from any Humanistic Elements. The Bible is not Romantic. The Humanistic Romantic element is found within all of these groups.

All Heresy in these areas is therefore based on an acceptance of some sort of HUMAN WORKS to "stay Saved" or be Sanctified. This is the danger of acceptance of any sort of "Conditional Salvation" which is always based on Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism many times found even today being taught as "truth"..

How can we "Rightly Divide" and know what we are involved in is correct?

The First Thing is to look for is: is the teaching all Grace. The next is Divine Faith alone. The Brit Chadashah (New Testament) clearly states that all is by Grace through Divine Faith alone (no Humanistic Elements involved whatsoever), both at the Point of Salvation by the GOSPEL! and also later, in the life of the Believer after Salvation as well[4].

In Yeshua (Jesus), the MELCHETZADDIK COVENANT Entered Into By Divine Faith Alone is the Ultimate Answer to Humanism.

Unfortunately for all of these types, because G-D Will Allow NO human work to ever Cleanse or Purify the Conscience , this is where these groups always run into a problem. Humanism still leads to despair and pessimism as the inevitable conclusion.

As we have seen from our studies, the solution for the Believer has always been to Repent and Fully Return to the L-RD, and He Will Grant More Grace.

More Following Soon!


� 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 People of G-d Ministries, Inc. No reproduction or redistribution without the prior Written Consent and Approval of People of G-d.


[1] Humanism is Heresy and Mysticism is Heresy. Rejecting and denying what the early Church when it was One True Church recorded historically does not change this fact.

No human work or doctrine they have devised can intrude upon what the early Church Ruled concerning G-ds' Grace Plan or "Grace is no more Grace". Romans 11:6. This is the doctrine of the PHARISEES which Yeshua condemned as false. It can be simply traced to the infiltration of Humanistic philosophies of paganism and the innate "self-suffiency" of all pagan religions.

In an odd shift, some may take a new mystical tack, and make Speaking in Tongues a Requirement for Salvation or Sanctification such as U.P.C. (the United Penetcostal Church or "Oneness") which is heresy.

Some of these groups may be ones that simply are not permitted to advance beyond Hebrews Chapter 6.

[2] I Timothy 4:8

[3] Romans 9:32.

[4]Ephesians 2:8,9; Philippians 2:13


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