Today we sometimes hear that the Gospel of the Apostle Paul is "not for today" or that Paul was "prejudiced" against something or other. Even that he was "speaking his own opinion" [2] in the New Testament, and not necessarily to be Obeyed by the Gentiles of whom Paul was clearly the Apostle Appointed and Commissioned by Yeshua (Jesus).

Do some so-called "teachers" actually have the audacity to teach that Paul was "prejudiced toward women"? Yes they do. Do other so-called "teachers" actually say publically that the Apostle Pauls' words can be safely ignored because customs in the First Century were vastly different than today? Or, that the Corinthian women were "known as talkative" so the New Testament in that place only applies to those "talkative women in Corinth" and really is "not for today"? Yes they do.

Is there any foundation for this teaching? The teaching that Pauls' Gospel does not have to be obeyed IN EVERY AREA by the Gentiles? That the Gentiles somehow can "pick and choose" as to which parts they think are "for today" and which are not?


What possible motivation could anyone have for twisting the Word of G-d to such an extent? And for entering the Assemblies themselves seeking to convince His people it was "truth"?

We have found it simply a disguised attempt to force Secular Feminism upon the True Assemblies of Yeshua; a view that is also rejected on a vast scale even within secular society itself! Were it not so widespread today in certain denominations it would be laughable. These Secular Feminist views were totally foreign to the early Church, and not (as the Secular Feminists assert): "just another example of chauvinistic misogyny in a male-dominated institution". We are familiar with their rhetoric. Their mask is removed and the lie is revealed.

Contrary to what some denominations teach, the Apostle Pauls' words were not "just for the First Century", but rather, a True Prophecy from Yeshua Himself of what the True Assemblies face today from the onslaughts of Secular Feminism!

All such so-called "teachers" are therefore justly Rebuked by us.

We see the message is totally clear in Romans 15:18

"For I (Paul) will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not wrought (done) by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed."

Also see this passage:

"What? Came the Word of G-d out from you? or came It unto you only? If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the Commandments of the L-RD." 1 Corinthians 14:36,37.

Heed the Testimony of the Apostle Peter:

"And esteem the longsuffering of our L-rd, to yourselves, Salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the Wisdom Given to him has written to you; as also in all [his] other Epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are untaught and unestablished twist, as also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction. You, therefore, brethren, seeing you know before, beware lest you also, being led away with the error of the lawless [ones], fall from your own steadfastness: but grow in Grace and in [the] Knowledge of our L-rd and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him [Be] Glory both now and to [the] Day of Eternity. Amen." II Peter 3:15-18


Persons who preach that Pauls' message can be "ignored" IN ANY AREA are acting OUTSIDE Yeshuas' Commands and the New Testament, and should be separated from very quickly. They are false teachers preaching "another Gospel". [3] They deny that the Word of G-d is for every generation.


[1]These words by Paul were not said in vain:

"As we said before, so say I now again, if any preach any other Gospel unto you then that ye* have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or G-d? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:9,10

[* NOTE: The Apostle Paul addresses the First Century Assemblies here. What they were Commanded has not changed for the True Assemblies today.]

[1]I Corinthians 7:6 is sometimes cited as reason to justify not accepting Paul. They say he spoke "by permission and not Commandment" and so he can be ignored here. As this passage may be "hard to be understood", let us take a look at it:

1.) "'By permission'; this was a subject about which persons were permitted to judge for themselves; and on which they should exercise an enlightened and conscientious Christian discretion." (Family Bible)

[NOTE: In other words, the proper inculcation of Biblical Principles will result in the mature believer correctly applying True Doctrine to situations as Paul did. Paul shows us here how he applied Scripture to situations which he was "permitted" to do.]

2.) "I Corinthians 7:6 {5} 'But I speak this by permission, [and] not of commandment.'

"{5} Fifthly he teaches that marriage is not necessary for all men, but for those who do not have the gift of continency, and this gift is by a special grace of God." (Geneva Bible 1560-1602)

3.) "As if the Apostle had said, Mistake me not, as if I imposed marriage upon all persons as a duty: no, but I declare it is permitted to all as a remedy against fornication; for so far am I from that, that I could wish all men were unmarried, even as I myself am, and that they had the gift of continence with myself; but God, who will have the world yet farther continued and increased, hath not given this gift to all, nor to all alike in the same measure.

"Therefore to the unmarried I say, that so many are the advantages of a single life, that if they can abide chaste and single, as I do, it will be many ways for their advantage: but if they cannot, let them use God's remedy, which is marriage; for it is better to marry, than to burn in lust, to be perpetually assaulted with unclean desires, and subject to the ravings and insults of lust.

"Learn hence, I. That marrying or not marrying is according to several circumstances, matter of advice and counsel, but neither of them absolutely of precept." (Burkitt)

[NOTE: Simply put, the Apostle says here that a Believer may get married or not get married, and is Permitted to do one of those two things. Let us cease from vain inventions and twisting of Holy Writ.]

I Corinthians 7:12 is another such passage used to assert that Pauls' "opinion" is being stated and not something we should necessarily follow:

"But to the rest speak I, not the L-rd: if any brother have a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away. And the woman which hath a husband which believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him."

[NOTE: The Apostle is not completely departing from Scripture here (as some of our critics mistakenly suggest), but is instead clearly showing us how to derive Halachoth (Rulings) based on Scripture. His Ruling is based on The Covenant of Kingdom Marriage that it makes Holy, and Sanctifies the unbelieving spouse as well.]

[3] One area of dispute among some is the concept of "women preachers". The Apostle Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles. Orthodox Jews have always held that women are not permitted to preach or teach men. The Gentiles are also Commanded likewise in I Timothy 2:12. This was not some command based on "talkative women" in the 1st Century churches, as some have invented, but a Commandment of the L-RD for every generation of New Testament Believers.

Qualified women are Permitted to teach the younger women and children, but are not to teach or preach to Men of G-d. There does seem to be a noticeable shortage of such Ladies in the Assemblies today! Could it be they are all trying so hard, in competition with others, to teach Full-Grown Men of G-d, that the younger women suffer being ignored proper guidance? Or have the Qualified Ladies of Grace departed from some Assemblies because of the actions of dominating females who embrace what are actually feminist teachings? We have heard such is definitely the case, and not "a few isolated incidents" either. Go here for Feminist Arguments sometimes found in the Assemblies.

Go here for more on Teaching the Younger Women


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