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Yeshua Said,

When the Counsellor (Comforter) comes, Whom I Will Send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about Me (Yeshua). John 15:26

But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will Guide you into all Truth. He will not speak on His Own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring Glory to Me by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you. John 16:13,14

It is evident that the Holy Spirits' work is to make Yeshua the Total Focus of His disciples' lives. The Holy Spirit is NOWHERE in Scripture called upon independantly, or is the focus to be on Him, but Yeshua, Whom He Glorifies. We are Commanded to Give Glory, Honor and Praise to the Son. All Praise Honor and Glory is Due for the Father Has Willed that The Son Receive All Praise Honor and Glory, and The Father Has Given The Son All Power in Heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18.

This does not mean that we speak against the Holy Spirit, for Scripture says the Holy Spirit Proceeds Forth from The Father and The Son. Neither does it imply that we deny the Doctrine of the Trinity as set forth in the Church Creed. See the Athanasian Creed Section 23, the Holy Spirit Proceeds Forth From the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit Glorifies the Son, not Himself.


In many denominations today, we hear of ministers and people "Calling on the Holy Spirit", "Praying to the Holy Spirit", "Inviting the Holy Spirit to come" and other similar things. They call upon the Holy Spirit and even say they "summon" Him. Is this Biblical or truly what we are to do? If so, where is it found in Scripture?

To the Law and to the Testimony. If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them. Yeshiyahu (Isaiah) 8:20

The Father is a Spirit and we do also Worship Him, but on the other hand, read what the Torah says about "Spiritists":

Deuteronomy 18

9. When you enter the land the L-RD your G-d is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11. or casts spells, or who is a medium, OR SPIRITIST, or who consults the dead. 12. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the L-RD, and because of these detestable practices the L-RD your G-d will drive out those nations before you. 13. You must be blameless before the L-RD your G-d. (Emphasis added)


John the Baptist Prophesies:

There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose. I indeed baptised you with water, but He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit. Mark 1:7-8; cf. Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16; John 1:33

John the Baptist Prophesied that Yeshua would Send The Holy Spirit to Baptize us. Yet, there are ones praying TO, "invoking". "summoning", "calling down", "inviting" the Holy Spirit to "send Himself" to Baptize or do some other thing?

They "call down" the Holy Spirit to send Himself to Baptize them?, when Yeshua is the Only One Who Sends Him? These persons have no right to say they have "invoked the holy spirit".

Does not something seem very much out of order here?

It should gentle reader, for in Matthew 18:20 Yeshua said that wherever two or more are gathered together, He is THERE IN THE MIDST! Why all this "invoking", "summoning" and "commanding" we ask? Where is it in the Bible?

Would they say that Yeshuas' Presence in Believers does NOT include The Holy Spirit so they have to "command Him" to come??? Or is it that these people are not Believers at all and that they need "a spirit" of some sort or other? to "show up"? We have heard some say "the spirit showed up at church today"!?!

They also say that certain groups of Believers, "don't have the spirit"? That certain Churches "don't have the spirit" either?


Nothing is Authorized except what The Word says. The "spirit" does not have authority OVER His Holy Word, but does Minister when we take in His Word. Yeshua Himself Is "HOLOGOS": "THE WORD". Many of us today that study His Word are accused by those that "call down the spirit" of being "cold and dead" as they seek to exalt some other thing OVER His Word.

Let this foolishness go no further.


Those that get involved with spiritism and call True Believers "cold and dead" usually have nothing but contempt and derision for Christian Theology and Theologians of the Reformation.

This idea of "exalting the spirit" and such is not some "new revelation" by any means. Here is a 16th-Century Christian Theologians' statement on this subject:

"Again, I should like those people to tell me whether they have taken a drink of any other spirit than that which Christ Promised to His disciples. Though their madness is extreme, it will scarcely carry them far enough to boast about this. What kind of Spirit did our Saviour Promise to Send? One Who should not Speak of Himself (John 16:13), but Suggest and Instill the Truths which Christ Himself had Delivered through The Word...Peter praises those who give attention to the Prophets. (II Peter 1:19)...Their cavil about us clinging to the dead letter carries with it the punishment they deserve for despising Scripture." Jean Chauvin


Can we find anywhere in Scripture, anyone "Calling on the Holy Spirit"? Anyone "Praying to the Holy Spirit"? Anyone "Invoking or 'Summoning' the Holy Spirit"?[1]

I spent some time and did a search through the whole Bible to find anywhere in the Old or New Testament where anyone "Prayed to", "Invoked", "Summoned", "Invited" or "Called down" The Holy Spirit, mentioning Him FIRST as a Primary Force or Cause to do anything for anyone?

There was nothing found!

Nowhere in the Bible was this ever done?

No! Not one place!


The teaching is first found in Judaism which says in the Kabbalah they are able to "Summon The Divine (Holy) Spirit" (Ruach HaKodesh) and it is taught this also happens when they blow the shofar for Rosh Hashanah.

Roman Catholicism claims they can "Summon the Holy Spirit" at a special "Mass of The Holy Spirit".

The Episcopal Church in America just recently "invoked the spirit" with these results. The Anglican Church is now reportedly trying to condone what happened and avoid a split.


Scripture clearly says that All Glory, Honor, and Praise are Due The Son (Jesus Christ). He has All Power in Heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18.

Yeshua Said:

You are My Friends if you do whatsoever I Command you. John 15:14

Did Jesus Christ ever Command us to "Call on the Holy Spirit"? No. He never said anything like that at all.

Jesus Did Pray to the Father that we Receive the Comforter, and Jesus Sent It. John 16:7.

The Bible says that "whosoever Calls upon The Name of the L-rd (Jesus) shall be Saved", it does NOT SAY "whosoever calls on the Holy Spirit shall be saved".[2]

True Believers must ask themselves, do they participate in any "worship service" that tells them to, "Worship the Holy Spirit"?

Their theology is just plain not Biblical.

Many of these theologians with cultic roots say that "your Assemblies are cold and dead, they have no spirit". They would exclude themselves as having the Holy Spirit when they were Saved?; if they are even Saved at all! All this so they can "call on the spirit to fall on them" which is nowhere found in the Bible. It is however, found repeatedly in the metaphysical cults!


First of all, let me say this:

G-d does NOT need Faith in Himself!

He doesn't need Faith as He Is Who He Is and Knew It from All Eternity! Would He have to have Faith in Himself? Being Infinite, Eternal, Sovereign and Absolute? No. Faith is a Gift He Gives to us that we may Apprehend Him. Scripture says:

Have Faith in G-d.

They, on the other hand, say that "God" had to have "faith in His own Faith" before He could do anythjng! They then say that we are to likewise have "Faith in out Faith" (this goes back to their "having the God kind of Faith") and we can then perform all Miracles just like God?

But this is just more of the subtle infiltration of metaphysical cults and Christian Science teaching into the Churches by means of the "Word of Faith Movement" and others..



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[1]We must carefully distinguish here between Praying TO the Holy Spirit, and Praying IN the Holy Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit is Biblical. It is done by first confessing all sin (I John 1:9) and being Filled with the Holy Spirit.

But wait! Don't they say it's Scriptural to "worship in Spirit and in Truth", doesn't that mean that we are to direct worship to the Holy Spirit? That's what they say, but let us see what Jesus said:

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. John 4:23

Jesus is telling us how to Worship The Father, not the Holy Spirit! And we worship the Father by being Filled with the Spirit already, i.e., all sins confessed.

They twist this Scripture (as does Christian Science) to make it say what they want it to say.

We Worship The Father, and also

Worship Jesus:

And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him. Matthew 28:9

We Pray to Jesus:

And they went on stoning Stephen as he called upon the L-rd and said, "L-rd Jesus, receive my spirit." Acts 7:55. (also Acts 9:14; Romans 10:13)

We can also Pray to the Father, but Praying to the Holy Spirit is NOT in the Bible.

[2]According to the Athanasian Creed: "[21] The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten. [22] The Son is of the Father alone, not made nor created but begotten. [23] The Holy Spirit is of the Father and the Son, not made nor created nor begotten but proceeding."

We may have found a link to what can be called Female Churches in this type teaching or "summoning".

In their continuing emphasis on "the spirit", some, such as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland and their followers, have gone so far as to deny that the Precious Blood of Christ really did anything for us, but His Spiritual death on the cross was all that mattered. Their words follow Mary Baker Eddy and E.W. Kenyon:

To these people, since they reason everything is "totally spiritual" (following a Gnostic Dualism) the "physical" means little or nothing, even the physical death and the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ.

For those unfamiliar with E.W. Kenyon, he was a follower of Mary Baker Patterson Glover Eddy who founded Christian Science "Unity School of Theology". E.W. Kenyon was a teacher of Christian Science and other metaphysical ideas.

The teachings of Christian Science amd other metaphysical cults, in other words, are now being openly preached by these individuals as if they were not cult teachings but "true Christianity"!


E.W. Kenyon said:

"We cannot ignore the amazing growth of Christian Science, Unity, New Thought, and Spiritism.

"The people who are flocking to them are not the ignorant masses, but the most cultured and wealthy of the land, and their strongest appeal is the supernatural element of their so-called religions -- the testimonies of healings by their followers are their strongest asset.

"Christian Science could not have grown to the place where it is dominating many of our large cities unless there had been a demand in the heart of the people for a Supernatural religion.

"The Pentecostal movement could not have risen with the Power that it has, had not the heart of the people been craving a new, fresh vision of Christ." (E.W. Kenyon. from "Do You Believe in Miracles")

"Kenyon's legacy in the Faith Movemant is not the genius of his Biblical interpretation, but rather, the syncretism of cultic ideas. It is these ideas - the concepts syncretized from metaphysics, of healing, positive confession and prosperity - that account for the success of the movement. The sad truth is that the cultic, and not the Biblical, elements of the Faith theology are the very elements that distinguish it the most, cause its amazing growth, and occupy center stage in the Faith movement.

"Granted, the Faith Movement does claim to heal in the 'name of Jesus' but this proves nothing, for so does New Thought." (McConnell)

For the unaware, Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science (with E.W. Kenyon following her teachings) have always denied the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ:

They all teach that Jesus Christ BECAME A FILTHY ROTTEN SINNER JUST LIKE THEM, before they were "saved", as a matter of fact, WORSE than them, they all say.

According to E.W. Kenyons' analysis (above), Christian Science, Spiritism, New Thought, Unity and the other cults are very pleased with what is happening in much of the Pentecostal movement today. And it is being taught world-wide on T.B.N. and "circling the globe" as "Christianity" every time they "build another tower".


The Apostle Paul wrote that Jesus Christs' Atonement for us:

...made Peace through the Blood of His Cross. Colossians 1:20

But Christian Science and E.W. Kenyon says:

"We know that the PHYSICAL DEATH of Jesus would not satisfy the claims of Justice; so it was necessary that He become identified with our union with the devil, that He actually die spiritually and become a partaker of Spiritual Death". E.W. Kenyon.

Kenneth Hagin

"Christ's physical death on the cross was not enough to save us." (Kenneth Hagin, "How Jesus obtained His Name", Tape 44H01)

Kenneth Copeland

"When His blood poured out it did not atone."(personal letter to D.R.McConnell, dated 12/3/79. Cited in A Different Gospel, p.120)

Kenneth Hagins' writings follow word-for-word in many places the works of E.W. Kenyon. When confronted with questions about plagiarism, Hagin said he never knowingly read E.W. Kenyon, but basically that, "God had given both of them the same sentences to write."

This might seem to be some sort of explanation, but then why aren't the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) word-for-word, page after page as Hagins' works are?

Were that the only instance of such, it might be overlooked, but also found within Hagins' writings are the words of John A. MacMillan. Once again, Hagins' works contain passages word-for-word, and where it isn't word-for-word, it is thought-for-thought exactly!

Hagin still denies to this very day plagiarizing either person.

This was discovered in 1988 by Dale Simmons, a graduate student at Oral Roberts University. He remarked:

"While John MacMillan may have been flattered that the Holy Spirit finds him so quotable...(Hagins') excuse seems weak at best. One is certainly justified in asking why Hagin feels it necessary to read any books at all if the Spirit is going to inspire him to "have the same thoughts" as a particular author even though he "may have never met or read after the person". Whatever the case may be one fact is certain, when Hagin received his "inspiration" to write his version of Authority of the Believer, the voice that inspired him was that of John A. MacMillan." (Simmons)

Both Hagin and Copeland (through Hagin) both follow E.W. Kenyons' teaching that Jesus was the first man to be Born Again:

They all teach that Jesus Christ was Born Again in Hell. Their reasoning is that since Jesus suffered "total spiritual death" on the Cross, that His spirit suffered in Hell for 3 days and nights because of "demonic forces". Since Jesus suffered "total spiritual death" by His spirit being "completely filled-up with the sins of the whole world", they reason Jesus Christ became "a demoniac": demon-possessed!

Being a demoniac, Jesus Christs' spirit therefore had to be "Born Again" to get out of Hell!

Jesus Christ was Judged for our sins. He never became a demoniac. These people are teaching Heresy.

E.W. Kenyon

"He (Jesus) was the first person ever Born Again" (E.W. Kenyon. "What Happened From The Cross To The Throne", p. 57).

Kenneth Hagin

"Why did He (Jesus) need to be begotten or born ? Because He became like we were, separated from God. Because He tasted spiritual death for every man. His spirit, His inner man went to hell in our place...

"Jesus is the first person that was ever born again. Why did His spirit need to be born again? Because it was estranged from God." (Kenneth Hagin, "How Jesus obtained His Name" (Kenneth Hagin Ministries, audio tape #44-H01)

Kenneth Copeland

"Jesus was born again," (in Hell). (Kenneth Copeland, "The Price of It All," 4-6.)

It would seem that Benny Hinns' emphasis on "summoning the spirit" has led to still other direct contradictions of Scripture.

Benny Hinn

"Never, ever, ever go to the Lord and say, 'If it be thy will....' Don't allow such faith-destroying words to be spoken from your mouth." (Benny Hinn, Rise and Be Healed, 1991, p. 47-48.)

What happened to Yakov (James) 4:15?

For that ye ought to say, If the L-rd will, we shall live, and do this, or that. Yakov (James) 4:15

"The Lord giveth and NEVER taketh away. And just because [Job] said, 'Blessed be the name of the Lord,' don't mean that he's right. When he said, 'Blessed be the name,' he was just being religious." (Benny Hinn on TBN, Nov., 1990)

So Jobs' words were false?

And (Job) said, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the L-RD gave, and the L-RD hath taken away; Blessed be the Name of the L-RD". Job 1:21

"There's a groups here in California that thinks they are the judgment seat of Christ. Dear God in heaven, I wish I just could just ... they call it a ministry, my foot. You know I've looked for one verse in the Bible, I just can't seem to find it. One verse that said, "If you don't like 'em, kill 'em." I really wish I could find it." (Benny Hinn talking about "heresy hunters")

"Let me tell you something. The Holy Spirit has already told me He is about to show up. And you know, oh, I gotta tell you this quickly, just before we go. I had a word of prophecy from ... Ruth Heflin, .... She just sent me a word through my wife and said the Lord spoke to her audibly and said that He is going to appear physically in one of our crusades in the next few months. Yeah, she--I'm telling you--she said, the Lord spoke to her audibly and said, 'Tell Benny I'm going to appear physically on the platform in his meetings.'" (Benny Hinn made this statement on his daily program "This Is Your Day." March 29, 2000.)

Go here for more actual Quotes From Word of Faith teachers.


Perhaps the best example that "signs and miracles following" is not necessarily any gauge by which to absolutely judge any Ministry was Charles Branham.

The post-WWII healing revivals of Charles Branham produced more miracles and healings than any modern-day denomination or healing evangelist. His "gifts of supernatural knowledge" remains "unparalelled".

In spite of all these "gifts" however, Branhams' doctrine was far from correct. Toward the end of his ministry it became heretical.

Branham denied the Doctrine of the Trinity outright and preached the "Jesus Only", U.P.C. doctrines. This is the Heresy of Modalism, Sabellianism. T.D. Jakes preaches it today. U.P.C. doctrines are also found in the book, "The God Chasers" by Tommy Tenney.

Branham taught that he was the prophet Elijah, whose ministry would result in the return of Jesus Christ. A few of his followers believed that he was not just Elijah but an incarnation of our L-RD Jesus Christ Himself. (poriions drawn from "A Different Gospel". page 166)



"when Christ ascended, He transferred all His authority to the Church." ("Authority". page 11.)

Christ can no longer work on earth apart from the Church. ("Authority". pps. 27,47.) If the Church does not work, not even God Himself can do anything.

"the believer is just as much an incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth." ("The Virgin Birth". Word of Faith. December, 1977. page 8.)

Hagin claims he himself is The Messiah and all his followers are too!

"That's who we are, we're Christ!" ("Zoe". page 45.)

"In fact, in the Epistles, the Church is called Christ. The Church has not yet realized that we are Christ. When we do, we'll start doing the work we are supposed to do." ("The Name of Jesus" page 105.)

We are? Sometimes Hagin goes back and forth about this, but whatever else is said, according to the Word of Faith teachings, to be born again is to become an Incarnation of God, The Messiah (Christ), and have all Power turned over as well.

Yeshua Said:

All Power is Given unto Me, in Heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18

There is no mention that He turned over All Power to Kenneth Hagin.

Our Atonement was accomplished physically by His suffering in the flesh.

He Himself bore our sins in His Own body on the Cross. I Peter 2:24.

Christ suffered in the flesh. I Peter 4:1

His Blood Paid the Price of our Atonement

All things are cleansed by the shedding of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission. Hebrews 10:22,23


Further Resources for Studying the Word of Faith (WOF) Movement and Controversy.

Capps, Charles. Authority in Three Worlds. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1980.

ibid. God's Creative Power Will Work for You. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1976.

ibid. How to Have Faith in Your Faith. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1986.

ibid. Releasing the Ability of God through Prayer. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1978.

ibid. The Tongue: A Creative Force. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1976.

Copeland, Gloria. God's Will is Prosperity. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harrison House. 1978.

Copeland, Kenneth. Believers Voice of Victory. Newsletter. Kenneth Copeland Evangelistic Association. Fort Worth, Texas.

ibid. The Laws of Prosperity. Kenneth Copeland Publishing. 1974.

Freeman, Hobart. Did Jesus Die Spiritually?. Warsaw, Indiana, Faith Ministries Publications.

Hagin, Kenneth E., What Happened from the Cross to the Throne. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1945.

Kenyon, E.W. Advanced Bible Course: Studies in the Deeper Life. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1970.

ibid. Sign Posts on the Road to Success. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1938.

ibid. The Two Kinds of Faith: Faith's Secrets Revealed. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1942.

ibid. The Two Kinds of Knowledge. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1942.

ibid. The Wonderful Name of Jesus. Seattle, Washington. Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society. 1927.

MacMillan, John A. The Authority of the Believer. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Christian Publications. 1981.

ibid. Encounter with Darkness. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 1980.

McConnell, D. R. A Different Gospel. Peabody, Massachusetts. Hendrickson. 1988. Fourth Printing 1991. (Special Thanks for his research.)

Wigglesworth, Smith. Ever-Increasing Faith. Springfield. Missouri. Gospel Publishing House. 1924.

Metaphysical, Spiritist and Occult Sources, Cults and their Backgrounds

Dresser, Horatio. The Quimby Manuscripts. Secaucus, New Jersey. Citadel. 1980.

Eddy, Mary Baker. Christian Healing abd Other Writings. Boston, Massachusetts, Trustees. 1875.

ibid. Science and Health with a Key to the Scripture. Boston, Massachusetts. Trustees. 1875.

Sire, James W. Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible. Downers Grove, Illinois. Inter-Varsity. 1980.

Trine, Ralph Waldo. In Tune With The Infinite. New York. Bobbs-Merrill & Company. 1970.

ibid. What All the World's A-Seeking. New York. Dodd Mead & Compant. 1920.

ibid. Winning The Best. Indianapolis, Indiana. Bobbs-Merrill & Company. 1912.

Wood, Henry. New Thought Simplified. New York. Dodd, Mead and Compant. 1920.

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