Gracias por su visita! Thanks for signing the Galería de Muertito Heaven Guestbook! We hope you enjoyed your visit. Come back again, soon...... Ana y elpadre

11/05/00 14:35:03
My Email: Email Me Oriundo de: TOAALTA


10/16/00 01:59:45
Name: José A. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Rodríguez Negrón
Oriundo de: Area "Isla" From: temporeramente; EU

Hacia mucho tiempo...o sea...deje pasar el tiempo; mas los recuerdos de mi Isla a penas dicipaban...hasta que tomé como refrigerio cultural las imagenes de esta página y les puedo declarar que su contenido es invaluable para el "Boricua" distanciado de su "Patria Querida"... Gracias; y animense a continuar con tan hermoso trabajo...

04/16/00 23:09:02
Name: feliz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: zapata rivera

los requerdos de puerto rico son encantadores para mi aunque no disfrute esa encantadora vida por muchos anoz, ustedes me ayudan a traeer esos lindos requerdos de mi ninez que quedaron en mi alma como una linda historia que nunca pude alcanzar, gracias po su sacrificios

04/16/00 14:54:30
Name: Norma Oquendo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me From: Playa Ponce, PR

It was refreshing and exciting to find such vast information on the Oquendo surname. I had intended on researching my family lineage but it was one of those things that you keep putting aside. This is very encouraging.

03/18/00 23:12:18
Name: Doris V. Lugo Díaz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Lugo Díaz
Oriundo de: Camuy, Quebradillas y Jayuya From: Ponce

Los felicito por tener ésta página. Está preciosa e interesante. Sigan aumentando la información. Nuestra isla es preciosa.

03/18/00 23:08:08
My URL: Visit Me


02/27/00 00:56:57
Name: Oswaldo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Brau Sobrino
Oriundo de: Santurce

tataranieto del Hon. Salvador Brau Acensio

01/18/00 23:31:36
Name: Connie Oquendo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Oquendo-Cruz

Congratulations on such deep research. Keep up the great work!

11/23/99 23:04:27
Name: Eduardo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Merced Avilés
Oriundo de: Carolina, p.R.


09/11/99 18:07:08
Name: Tessie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Cordero Pena
From: Isabela, PR

Padre: Carlos Cordero Cordero de Isabela, PR Madre: Ramona Pena Driggs de Santiago, Cuba Hijos: Charles A Cordero Bernabe (Benny) Cordero Rolando Cordero Luisita Cordero Hortencia (Tessie) Cordero

08/23/99 02:10:47
Name: Rose My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Villarini,Mezquida

Hey Pal, Are you mad at me? I E-Mailed you at the dead WWRoots Forum and you seem to have forgotten us. I went on the Metabuscador and was unable to return to Muertito Heaven, Error message, Broken Link, inform owner. Unable to see pictures! Rose

04/17/99 14:48:40
Name: Tati Medina-Quinones My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Medina,Ruiz,Bayon, Santiago, Perez
Oriundo de: Arecibo, Lares Puerto Rico

I really enjoyed your genealogy web page. I can tell that you have been researching for a long time, and evidently it was well worth it. I have traced my family back to the early 1840's on my mother's side, (Bayon). Now I am trying to locate anyone who ay be related to my father was a Medina, it is one of the surnames on your page. My father was born in Arecibo in 1931. If there is a connection please let me know....and keep up the great work......Thank you....Tati Medina-Quinones

12/30/98 05:52:08
Name: Ana Robles My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Apellidos: Robles/Gaud
From: Utuado/Adjuntas

You have a great web sites!

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