As I already introduced myself, my name is Misha Yelovich( or what used to be back home Misha Elovich) . I grew up in wonderful city Donetsk, which is located in the heart of Ukraine ( one of the former republics at used to be big and strong USSR). Here some aditional pictures taken in Donetsk .

Let me introduce you to our favorite dog Tony.
Please be paitient and you won't be disapointed.
And now for people who really want to look at me and my family, please welcome to
My Family Gallery.

It is not that big yet, but I have some ideas that I hope to share with you very soon...

I hope you used your chance to look at my dog and my family, so probably it's a good time to look at my personal file.


If you lost count of time you spend surfing, check out my new .
Collection of Clocks

Best viewed with Netscape Navigator.

Please visit my page of

Russian Links Collection

Also you might want to look at my favorite Russian Magazine
Ogonyok Welcome Page

Links to other sites on the Web

Russian Humor collection by Eugene Levitin
National News Service
Links to other Russian Sites
What you could call a list to all cool stuff on the Russian Sites. Found on the Keena's Russian Homepage

Homepages of my friends

Homepage of my little brother Felix, check it out. And please forgive me for his grammar.
Homepage of my good friends Danik and Lola Fox-Rabinovich

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