New ways of Seeing

The first successful photography was made in 1826 by Nicephore Niepce (1765-1833), a French lithographer. Ten years later Jacques Daguerre (1789-1851) was experimenting with the process that bears his name. In 1888, Geoge Eastman (1854-1932) introduced the box camera. The introduction of photography revolutionized the art of drawing and painting. It also changed the way we see things. A camera can lie, a million publicity photos prove this to be so. A good photographer can manage to cut through even our most cherished illusion, that the poor can be happy despite their poverty, or that suffering is always noble. Painting was relieved of the necessity of communicating the result was an explosion of new styles and methodes (impressionism, cubism, dadaisme, surrealisme and even photorealisme).

Mes pages photo

Yevgeny Khaldei et la photographie en URSS

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Cours sur la photo en francais

Cours sur la photo en anglais

Choisir son optique (canon): tests et reports

Acheter : B&H the best

Acheter : focus camera pas trop mal

Expositions de photo

Mag : Hyprezine

Photographie, magazine


Mag : B&W world

 American memory

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