Exemples de son travail de photographe de guerre

Suicide of National socialist Family, Vienna, Austria, 1945

A family found in a park after Soviet troops entered Vienna. The father was off to the side wearing a gold medal denoting Nazy party membership and holding his gun. He shot his family members in the head before turning the gun against himself. An eyewitness reported the man had them sit on the benches, then he killed the mother, the son, and when the daughter pleaded" No, no !," he laid her on the bench and shot her too.

Raising the Hammer and Sickle over the Reichstag, May, 2 1945

Khaldei stages this shot, inspired by Joe Rosenthal's image of the flag raising at Iwo Jima. He had his uncle sew red tablecloths into three Soviet flags and raised them in three differents spots. the last was at the Reichtag, and this image of the Soviet flag waving out over a Berlin in flames became a national symbol of the victory over the Germans

Goring with Lawyer (Stahmer), Nuremberg, 1946

Nuremberg was bombed to rubble by the Allies, but among the ruins a building stood undamaged: the court house where the trial were held

Books (

Eyewitness to History : The Photographs of Yevgeny Khaldei

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