Hi, and Thanks for visiting my Indian Air Force Web Site. My name is FLT. LT. Vaas Dash. I fly MIG-27s in the IAF. I LOVE IAF and I am Proud of its Great History. I hope that there be Permanent Peace between India & Pakistan!!!!! "Let us spend Dollars on building Hospitals & Schools rather than on purchasing Warfare Equipment."


News Flash

1. India to buy Russian Aircraft Carrier Admiral Gorshkov this summer. This aircraft Carrier is 45,000 tons, and will be modified before delivery to India. India will also be buying Naval Fighter (like the Naval MIG-29) & other support aircrafts with it.

2. Indian Government plans to build an Aircraft Carrier in India. It will be called ADS (Air Defence Ship). It will be a 32,000 ton ship, and it will carry Indian made Naval LCA & Naval MIG-29 aircraft.

Indian Air Force is Forth Biggest in the World. Currently, India purchased 40 Long Range State-of-the-Art SU-30 MK Fighter/Bomber from Russia. To Enhance its Capability, India is also Purchasing 4 IL-76 Air-to-Air Refueler Tankers. This will give the SU-30 MKs Ultra-Long-Range Capability. Indeed Indian Air Force will have an Edge over China & Pakistan, as IAF will be able to TAKE-OUT TARGETS Deep Inside China & Pakistan.
India's LCA (Light Combat Aircraft), which is built in India, will Replace the MIG-21s.
India's Last serving Aircraft Carrier has been Decommissioned.
3 Aircraft Carriers were to be Constructed in India, and would have Entered Service in '98, But due to corrupt Politicians(same Species also found in Pakistan) this plan never Materialized.
India plans to assemble 200 SU-30 MKs in India at Banglore's Hindustan Aeronautical Complex provided Russia gives India this Permission, and this seems Highly Unlikely.
IAF is also trying to Develop AWACS Capability

Although IAF is purchasing alot of High-Dollar Equipment, past experience of the 1965 & 1971 Wars clearly tells us that Pakistan Air Force has always Out Performed & Out Maneuvered IAF in Air-to-Air Dogfights, Interdiction, Escort Role, Ground Attack & Strategic Attacks on IAF Bases & Indian Military Targets!!
This is due to the "Israel Air Force like" High Mental Caliber & Training of the Pakistan Air Force's Fighter Pilots.
"ONLY 1% OF ALL THE CADET PILOTS WHO JOIN THE P.A.F MAKE IT AS GENERAL DUTY PILOTS (Fighter Pilots) IN THE P.A.F" This standard is higher than the Israeli Air Forces'!!!!!
The Combat Training given to IAF Pilots is definatly not up to the Level of P.A.F Pilots.
This is so because IAF's Philosophy to fight a war is with Quantity Not Quality !!! Hence IAF Buys alot of planes to Overwhelm the enemy but doesn't care about the Caliber of the Pilots sitting in those Planes. FOLKS, THIS IS A FACT!!
Bottom Line is; Pakistani Pilots were trained at United State's Elite Air Bases like Nellis AFB in Nevada & Red Flag in the 50s, 60s, & 70s. Indian Pilots were never ever Combat trained by U.S.S.R.
According to Chuck Yeagercommenting on the '65 War between India & Pakistan in his book"Pakistani Pilots Kicked India's Ass in the Air War."

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I wish 7UP soft drink company would launch their famous advertisement campaign "make 7UP YOURS" inINDIA.

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