The Corps Organization

The organization ... yesterday

The territorial structure of the Corps, as updated by the Royal Resolution of November 9, 1816, was a pyramidal one and comprising the following units :

This organization remained unchanged until 1842, when the Corps was improved with the creation of a new, special unit of mounted Carabinieri which, after its reorganization as King's Guards Carabinieri Squadron, was maintained over the years. This unit, which has changed its denomination according to the State institutional ones, is still operative under the name of Guards of the Republic Carabinieri Regiment.

After Italian Unification (1861), the enlarged territory of the newly-born Regno d'Italia required that the number of Divisions be increased and a higher organizational level be created : the Legioni territoriali.

And ... today

The Carabinieri Corps headquarter is the Comando Generale

The Corps operational organization is, at present, structured as follows :

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