Hello, and welcome to my homepage. My name is Rick Miller and I live in the Atlanta, Georgia area, where I work as a Criminal Investiagtor for a local Sheriff's Office. My specialties are Criminal Behavior Profiling, Crime Scene Analyzing and Blood Stain Pattern Analyzing. I have been a Law Enforcement Officer for over ten years and love what I am doing. Below I have indexed what you will find on my homepage:

His children are far from safety, and they are crushed in the gate, neither is there any to deliver them.
Job 5:4

The image seen will change every ten minutes. Currently the 12 most recently reported missing children are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to the full details of the missing child's record. There is also included a link to view the entire queue of 12 children.

Missing Children's Ring site is owned by Rick Miller.

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A most wonderful, kind and generous soul!
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You are visitor Number Since January 19, 1997

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Please contact Rick Miller if you have any questions or comments.

Updated May 18, 1997
© 1997 Rick Miller

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