Archdiocesan Single Adult
Youth Office

"You hold the world of today in your hands…
What do you want to make of it?"

Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur

Our Past

First established on 1st April 1989 by Archbishop Anthony Soter FERNANDEZ, in line with the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocesan pastoral Plan.


to serve the needs of youth and single adults, leaders, priests and others involved in the relevant parish ministries to act as a liaison with other Christian bodies and youth organisations

A Simple Prayer for Youth


You were young once too…
so you know how it feels to be a young person.
Especially in today’s world…
the choices we have to make…
the temptations we have to face…
the people we meet…
help us always to be aware
of your presence in my life…
Give me strength to always be close to you
and to offer each day of my life
as a young person for your greater glory…
… Amen

What ASAYO can offer you.

Development Of Leaders
Component Groups Working Together
Spiritual Growth

Our Component groups

AVPT Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team, CM Campus Ministry, CCF Christian Community of Formation, CCR Catholic Charismatic Renewal, CHOICE, LOM Legion of Mary, SVPD St Vincent de Paul, ICSC Inter School Catholic Student’s Council, YCS Youth Christian Student, TYA Tamil Youth Aposolate, CYA Chinese Youth Aposolate, SOY Servants of Yahweh, YES Youth Evangelisation School, PYR Parish Youth Representative


We’ve continued in our work of facilitating the involvement of young people and single adults in the life of the Church. We achieve this goal by supporting, challenging, forming, and especially listening to those involved in parish youth work We recognise the charism of gift in our lives both individually and as a team, and respond to the call of Christ to go out and help build His community

Our Mission Statement

We, the young people of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur journeying towards the year 2000 are prepared to commit and form ourselves as one united family to create a sense of belonging; to actively support, encourage and participate in the Church’s vision through listening, sharing and living the Word of God. In line with the above, we at ASAYO, are convinced of the need to focus on the following in all our formation for the next 5 years
Discernment help our young adults/youth make choices base on serious thinking, prayer, silence, scripture and counselling in order to discover what God desires for their lives.
Faith -journey help our young adults/youth be aware of their call by God to be Catholic and to understand clearly the requirements of their faith;
what we believe (Apostles Creed)
what we celebrate (the Sacraments)
what we live (Commandments)
what we pray (Our Father)

Significance of the Cross help our young/youth to face the reality of the cross in their daily lives, and learn to accept them as a means of growth especially: accepting corrections and making a change self-discipline in choice of entertainment self-denial in relationship to family and BEC’s doing with less material comforts
Relationship help out young adults/youth to understand and build supportive relationship as opposed to power-struggle relationship at interpersonal, family and community levels, especially through: constructive criticism resolution of conflict in an acceptable way respect for the dignity of self and each other forgiveness and reconciliation

For more information, please write to:
5 Jalan Bukit Nanas
50250 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2307670
Fax: 03-2386760
Counselling: 03-2306101

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updated:2nd June, 1996
I do welcome suggestions, corrections, improvements ...
Please send feedback to gabrielle

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