Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur

His Grace Anthony Soter FERNANDEZ

An Insight from His Grace,
Chairman of PMPC II Main Committee.

"AS WE journey towards PMPC II, the Peninsular Church is also journeying in union with the regional and universal Church towards the Third Millennium. I call to mind the theme of the past newsletter of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Team, One People Journeying Together To make God's Kingdom Come. This is apt because everyone - the hierarchy, Religious and laity - must participate in this journey in faith, hope and love if it is to be meaningful and enriching. Thus, I feel that journey is an important theme. Above all, I believe that, despite our initial differences, we will be able to overcome them."
extracted from HERALD, the Catholic Fortnightly

I will be your God,
you shall be my people.
(Jer 7:23)

Our Journey as Church in Peninsular Malaysia
since 1976 towards PMPC II

August: Aggiornamento - Implementation of directions of Vatican II. Core and Related Needs indentified.

1976 to 1986
Implementation of Core and Related Needs by each of the Dioceses mainly through the New Image of the Parish (NIP).

Your Kingdom Come - Review of 10 years of Aggiornamento and the NIP. Setting up of Follow-up Team.

Follow - up Team reorganised and PMPC II Organising Committee set up.

July: Study Days on Towards a Common Understanding of Church as Communion - Bishop's Conference of Malaysia - Singapore - /Brunei and major Religious superiors.

March: Inter - diocesan Consultation on Church as Communion by clergy of three dioceses
May: Archdiocesan / Diocesan Assemblies of the hierarchy, religious and laity

February: Inter - Diocesan Clergy Formation
April: Inter - Diocesan Clergy Formation
May - June: Archdiocesan / Diocesan Assemblies of the hierarchy, religious and laity

August 30th to September 2nd, 1996
College General, Penang.

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updated:2nd June, 1996
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