Economic Turmoil
Mahathir Infopage
"Malaysia InfoPage
If you are a serious businessman, and you have to decide where to invest, then why not try it here? - in Malaysia.

Before you continue to read this page any further, it would be better for you to realize that this page was designed by a freelance Malaysian webmaster. I was not paid by the Government to designed this page and gain nothing for saying all these stuff. So I can assured you that what you'll get from this page is a non-baised opinion at all. Also, since this page is free from any so called `formal responsibility', then don't be alarmed when you'll find out few controversial statement against other Asean country in here. As I said before, I'm merely exercising my `blue ribbons' right in here.

So what's so special about Malaysia anyway? Is it worth it taking risk to invest in Malaysia?


Malaysia is a country with only 20 millions people. That's a whole less amount then what you can get in Indonesia and Thailand. For those who hoping to find cheap labour in Asean country, Indinesia and Thailand seems ideals enough. All the hype about Malaysia's modernisation and developing process might had given the impression that the cost of living in Malaysia is as high as in Hong Kong and Singapore, thus prevent them from getting cheap labours. Well, those views are so wrong, it's a crap! Those views were made based on a single outlook at the state of Selangor, Johore, Negeri Sembilan and Penang. Malaysia were made by 11 states and if you find out that the workers in Selangor, Johore, Negeri Sembilan and Penang are too demanding, then come and invest in the other 8 states of Sabah, Sarawak, Pahang, Melaka, Terengganu, Kelantan, and Perlis! Believe me, those other states will really welcome you to invest there, the cost of life are so cheap it will definitely bring smile to your face. The people are friendlier and the woman are just so beautifull, you'll probably end up marrying one of the locals! Investors used to think that only few states posessed knowledgable workers, Eeek! Wrong Again! All the states in Malaysia possess knowledgable workers, it's just to pity that some leaders in those state are not good enough in marketing the state's potential.


If you are planning to open your business headquarters or branches in Malaysia, it's would be ideal for you to do it in some of Malaysian modern city. The most suitable place would be in Kuala Lumpur and areas around it. If you're planning to open a mall, then you can either build your new mall or rent a space from the already existing building in KL. Good news though, if you find bulding new mall to be too expensive, then there's a lot of empty spaces in malls around Selangor, Johore, Penang, and other states. Don't get me wrong here, it's not empty because customers don't come buying, it's simply because it's new and some of the malls were built in newly developed area. The spaces are getting sold everyday and once Malaysia manage to get through it's economic problems, there's no doubt that we might have to built new malls! The most strategic and famous new malls in Selangor is the KLCC Suria Malls. It's right in the middle of Kuala Lumpur where the rich people work. The Japanese ISETAN have just signed a contract to rent 5 storey spaces in Petronas KLCC bulding for its new Mall.

There's also a huge potential to built malls, headquarters and factory around CyberJaya and Putrajaya. Both city were still under developement and will become the twins city which will opearate the Multimedia Super Corridor. Why? Just imagine, the two city will be connected with the best highway and LRT service. The LRT service especially will enable people to get into the cities with a snap. The Cyberjaya will be the based of all IT business in the world while Putrajaya were designed to be the new Governing Centre of Malaysia. Cyberjaya will be packed with programmers and IT stuffs while Putrajaya will definitely packed with high ranked politicians. One can imagine how crowded the city will be with people coming and going either for business or for pleasure. Don't kid yourself! Build a mall there, headquaters or anything as long as you can join the party and bogey with prosperity!

The realty prices in Malaysia has really gone down after the Asian currency crisis, so you won't have to worry about spending too much money on realty alone. This should really be a bargain compared with Singapore. Furthermore Malaysia has just lowered its tax on land ownership as part of the economic recovery measures. So that would help reducing the realty price further. So some to Malaysia and build whatever thing you want to build (except brothel, nuclear waste dump, weapons factory, porno factory, terrorist camp, CIA building, etc etc any illegal and immoral premises). Get your business started and work you way to rich and glory. Just remember to pay the 23% tax to the Government as your token of appreciation.


Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) was inspired by the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad. The Multimedia Developement Corporation (MDC) was given the task to syncronised the developement project. There were concerns amongst IT community that the MDC is too slow in promoting the MSC, its seems that all the works was done by the 73 years old Prime Minister. Well I can't say anything about that because that's the price you have to pay for asking old people to carry out a hi-tech industry developement. But please don't judge the potential of MSC by looking at MDC alone. The truth is MSC and MDC is two different things at all. Young generation in Malaysia has already doing their jumping jacks whenever MSC was mentioned to them. We the young people are preparing to take part in the Multimedia age. Since the introduction of MSC, the IT awareness amongst Malaysian community has been nothing but awesome.

Every parents are rushing to computer store to buy the latest model for their kids. Children at the age of 12 are already begging their family to buy a Pentium 200 PC as birthday present. At 13, they'll start developing their own website. At the age of 15, the boys have already browsing and searching for free xxx-passwords (that's the bad side of internet) while the girls will usually be busy downloading all the Hanson and Backstreet Boys pictures (Hanson & Backstreet Boys? Yuck!).

The Ministry of Education have granted fund for schools to have its own computer and internet club. The target is to create IT-based workforces to fulfill the 21st century hi-tech industry. The legal experts is preparing necessary law to govern the IT era. The police force is keeping their eyes for potential hacker and a special anti-hacking unit (cybercop? wow!) will soon be available. There were also the new Multimedia University which have already started its first batch of Multimedia undergraduates. Other universities across Malaysia have long since offered its undergraduates an IT courses. Even the law faculty has been offering its student to take Cyberlaw as an elective. In 1997, there were already 63,945 internet users in Malaysia. If the hype continue, then it was estimated that 2,000,000 people will become a registered internet users on the year 2001.


One of the most modern airport in the World has just been opened. The Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang can accomodate up to

The road in Malaysia is one of the best. With up 28,258 km asphal road in Peninsular Malaysia, 2,444 in Sabah and 1,510 km in Sarawak, the road has fullfill all the needs for bussiness transportation. There were 3,223,200 cars on the road, 42,880 public busses, and 50,886 cabs which will ensure you to get to any place you want on time. Plus in Malaysia our cab driver are much much more friendlier than the New York cab driver. In Malaysia you don't have to run in front of a cab and risking your life just so you can get a cab (In New York they did that). In Malaysia all you need to do is to play dumb and started looking around like you need transport and suddenly a cab will park next to you with the driver smiling, saying "Miss, need a cab?". Also in Malaysia the driver is is humane enough not to show `a fingers' (except if necessary, but that's on KL only) and the jaywalker won't say "Hey! I'm Walking Here!". No Sir, you won't find that.

There are 569,346 bussiness-related vehicles, ranging from all kind of trucks you need to transport goods.


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