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So what this website is all about, while I'm thinking about scanning some articles which i think interesting.

There are articles about Malaysian Economy Recovery and there's also articles about Malaysian political situation. However, I'm restricting this site for positive news. I'm not interested in spreading rumours or helping the foriegn media with their agenda against Malaysia.

If you have positive opinion about Malaysia, then feel free to distribute. I swear I'll publish it here. Eventhough your writing skills is not that good.

"What do we see today? These countries and their peo-ples are suffering. It takes a distorted mind to say that the present situation is better than the prosperity of the past. Yet we are being told that the destruction of our economies will be good for us in the long term. How do we tell the un-employed millions, the bankrupted banks and busted companies that their misfortunes are good for them and their nations? How do you tell a man being devoured by a tiger that he is really helping to preserve a treasured species?"
Read what the Malaysian Prime Minister have to say..

These are trying times for Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad. When Asia's currency crisis first erupted last summer, Malaysia appeared likely to weather the storm. Now it seems set to become the region's next big casualty. In a spirited, 60-minute interview with TIME Asia deputy editor Adi Ignatius and correspondent John Colmey, Mshathir revealed the depth of his anger and frustration.
Mahathir discusses Malaysia's economic crisis

"Rightly or wrongly, for many weeks now, the decision-makers in Kuala Lumpur had come to the difficult conclusion that if "drastic" measures were not taken and taken immediately to get growth going again. The economy would continue to drop and drop and drop, with no end in sight."
Details explanation on forex control

"Despite the high interest rates, the banks still failed to attract people to deposit their money due to the contented social unrest and political uncertainty. The government's policy in February to fully guarantee all deposits in the banking system, including interbank liabilities, has also failed to stop the massive run on the banks"

"Yang menjadi persoalan sekarang adalab fenomena apa yang terjadi dan mengapa masyarakat sangat percaya dengan isu atau rumor yang berkembang. Padahal isu yang berkembang itu kebenarannya sangat sukar untuk dipercayai."
Learn What lesson have the Indonesian taught Malaysian policy makers..

John Krugman, is one of the world leading economist. He is one who suggested the Asean Country to take a bold and unorthodox method to solve their economic problem. He is the one who said that `desperate situation require desperate measures'.
Read John Krugman economic suggestion here..

Economic activity has been hit very hard, with the output declines in 1998 now expected to be about 5 percent for both Thailand and Korea. Indonesia�s output drop in 1998 is expected to exceed 10 percent and a decline is also likely in Malaysia. However, the Philippines economy still seems likely to register some growth in 1998.
Stanley Fischer.. Internews Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 19, 1998

The Illuminati? That sound familiar... Is this real conspiracy theory or is it a script for the X-Files movie sequel? But the argument is convincing and compelling enough to make me include it here. The anonymous author of this article manage to see the whole new reason why the west would like to hammer Mahathir and his so called muslim `soldiers'.
Hear what the X-philes have to say about George Soros `ILLUMINATI' conspiracy theory..

SEPERTI yang dijangka, pertemuan kumpulan negara ekonomi perindustrian dunia, G-7, yang berakhir minggu lalu menemul kegagalan Usaha membentuk kerangka baru ekonomi dunia tidak kesampaian, walaupun perjumpaan berprofil tinggi itu dianjurkan oleh gergasi ekonomi, Amerika Syarikat (AS), khas bagi menangani tiupan kejatuhan ekonomi Asia Pasifik yang merebak ke Rusia dan Amerika Latin daripada berubah menjadi taufan kemelesetan sedunia.
Artikel dari MASSA

Prime Minister and First Finance Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad has presented a 1999 government budget that aims to support businesses and steer the economy out of recession thhrough a big deficit financing. Prime Minister and First Finance Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad has presented a 1999 government budget that aims to support businesses and steer the economy out of recession thhrough a big deficit financing.
1999 Budget Reviews From The-EDGE

Infrastructure projects, which have been privatised, are given priority under the infrastructure fund. or the property sector, it may be a case of no news, but certainly it is not bad news. Travel companies will he givern income tax exemption on income from domestic tour packages in which at least 1,200 local tourists a year participated.
1999 Budget Reactions From The-EDGE

The Treasury's projection is for GDP to grow by 1 per cent next year with inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at 3.5 per cent, down from 5.2 per cent in 1998. The CPI forecast is based on a fixed exchange rate for the ringgit at RM3.80 vis a vis the US dollar.
1999 Economic Forecast From The-EDGE

Yes, we have been wrong, we have made mistakes. We are not geniuses who never make any mistakes; but then, our mistakes did not cause the collapse of this economy.
CNN Exclusive Interviews With Dr.Mahathir

And so we put in place selective exchange control designed specifically to prevent the currency traders from getting hold of our ringgit. The ringgit was therefore made worthless outside of Malaysia and may not be brought into Malaysia one month after controls were imposed.
Prime Minister's Speech In Davos, during 1999 World Economic Forum

MALAYSIA's independence was rendered almost meaningless in the financial and economic crisis that swept across Asia in July 1997. The liberty to chart its economic destiny, and perhaps so of its political future, was so close to being surrendered as the country grappled with the crisis' severe impact.
An Article Of The Malaysian Economic Recovery

President Kim Dae-jung proposed the idea at the APEC Economic Leaders' meeting in Kuala Lumpur last November and the idea was immediately adopted. At the time, the leaders were looking for ways to get through the recession that followed the financial crisis. They were also looking for ways to promote investment and enhance transparency in the region.
This link will take you to Apec Investmest Mart Website


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