sandra townsend donabed
collaged textiles and quilts

collage gallery

All of the collages on this page are fused, glued, or otherwise stuck to a stretched gallery canvas. Most use a background and some a foreground of vintage dress patterns- I love working with the printed lines. Most of the collages use scanned images, either from my own slides or photgraphs or from vintage materials out of copyright. Much of my other work is dependant on my own digital photography. I admit I have much to learn! If any of these panels interest you, I would be happy to send larger and detail images but I am out of room on my server and too cheap to buy more space, get in touch!. Each 24" square collage sells for $400 plus shipping.

Drapers, 24" x 24"
Snood, 24" x 24"
Sync or Swim
Sync or Swim, 24" x 24"
The images are tiny photos from the 1890s I found in a 1935 Life magazine article about the 'ladies' of the Yukon territories. I knew they could be respectable with a few dressers to help their image.
The pattern pieces for the snood in this collage are from a Renaissance costume. I followed the printed directions for embroidery and beading.
A piece about remembering the synchronized sdwimming of my youth. I was an observer, not a participant, because getting up in front of an audience in a bathing suit was not on my radar screen. The center 'water'is hand painted silk from Micky Lawler with my embroidery and beads recreating the water splashes.

Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan, 4 12" panels
Flower Collage
Flower Collage, 24" x 24"
Learning to Sew
Learning to Sew, 24" x 24"
Using several hat patterns and starting out as a simple repetitive design, a ceiling fan emerged. The 4 panels can be turned and changed to form all sorts of design variety.
The preliminary tracing papers from the quilt called 'Deconstruction' were used for the flower shapes, then actual flower petals were scanned and printed and cut to fit the outlined shapes.
I learned to do embroidery using transfer patterns of the days of the week and these are some I found on ebay. Instead of using the actual pattern I scanned it and collaged it down before adding color and actual embroidery through the paper and canvas.

Prom, 24" x 24"
Building a Better Tiger, 24" x 24"
I was about to toss a bunch of roses that never opened, but took a photgraph instead and used it to collage this piece. The base is regular dress pattern pieces but I removed all the direction lines and featured the different values of paper.
A vintage pattern of Tigger was irresistable to me so I did a whole collage on a base of gold leafed anaglypta wallpaper. At the same time I found a picture of Siegfried and Roy and decided they needed a better tiger too so gave them a herd of more playful animals.

Eeyore at the DNC, 12" x 24"
Eeyore doll
Measuring Up
Measuring Up, 4 6" x 8" panels
The city of Boston was disrupted this past summer for the DNC, and at the same time I was working with this vintage character pattern when I recognized Kerry's resemblance to Eeyore.
This is the doll that the pattern makes.
Here are 4 panels of newspaper paperdolls comparing and contrasting to the ideal body drawings from a dress pattern.

Plate Collage 1
Plate Collage 2
Plate Collage 3
Plate Collage 4
Plate Collage 5
'Unrealistic Expectations' Plate Collages, 5 5" panels
The plates were scanned from several old saucers I have, the demitasse spoons, also scanned, were my grandmother's sterling. I collaged the prints onto a metallic painted background and added pieces of gold leafing. It has to do with the unrealistic expectations of elaborate entertaining that the media sells to brides.

Photos by Sandy's beloved Canon G5

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