sandra townsend donabed
collaged textiles and quilts

painting gallery

All of the paintings and prints on this page are fused, glued, or otherwise stuck to a stretched gallery canvas or rigid board. If any of these paintings interest you, I would be happy to send larger and detail images as well as quote a price but since I am out of room on my server and too cheap to buy more space, get in touch!.

Tibetty, 12" x 12"
Corn Fence, 12" x 12"
Silver China
Silver China, 12" x 12"
A collage of two linoleum block prints of my new puppy and Tibetan prayer flags.
Again, a linoleum block print with a garden fence overlay. Markers, acrylics, pattern paper.
Paint and collaged selvedge edges from a Chinese scroll.

Blueplastic, 18" x 24"
The Corn is as High, 18" x 24"
Collages from plastic canvas and hand made paste papers with acrylic paints, a study in blues and silvers.
Playful take on the same old corn blockprint, added lettering and stamps.

Tracks, 24" x 24"
Concert, 24" x 24"
Trouser Pocket
Trouser Pocket, 24" x 24"
Thick buildup with wax and paint over an armature, then the armature was removed. Every cell has a different color.
The noisiest painting I could imagine.
Stenciled canvas, a muslin vintage trouser pocket and it's accompanying description, threads and marbles falling from the pocket in abundance and color. I have no clue where this came from.

Squash, 12" x 12"
Cowboy, 12" x 12"
Painted on loose canvas with a thick impasto, the squash pieces were cut out and reattached to a backing stretched canvas.OK, so it didn't fit too well!
A small piece of vintage redwork embroidery, and collaged found objects remind me of my grandfather.

Photos by Sandy's favorite workhorse Canon G5

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