About Us


Eurowagon logo

We are a food truck that wants to bring you a variety of German and European favorites. We will change up the menu every three months to provide you with a wide variety of cultural favorites. We also import some of your favorite German beers. For those that aren't full blown beer drinkers, try your hand at Kölsch Cola, also know as kid beer.

We created this website to give you insight on all things Eurowagon.Yes, the background is yellow to make you hungry. Is it working? :D We plan to make this food truck expand and in order to do that, we need help from ....you. Without our wonderful customers, we would be bored. ;) Browse through the site. Check out the pictures, menus, and locations. We have listed a temporary menu and pictures of our food in hopes of your patronage. If you have any advice or questions, please feel free to contact us.

In the future, we plan to add google maps for easy location/navigation, merchandise, contests, and have a regular mailing list. Keep checking back for progress.
See you soon! :)