Qualifications and Working Experience

    Am i qualified? Yes, of course.

Summary of Qualifications

1. Excellent written and verbal communication skills

2. Used to handle events

3. Can work overtime

4. Rarely apply for leave

5. Can work in a team

Work Experience

I had been working for the first time in my life as an operator in a factory which located in Muar.

The factory named is ST and it have many employees. I am proud to be one of them.

I have learned so many skills and also things when I worked there for 8 months during my breaks after STPM.

Check it out at:

  • ST Company Official Web

  • During semester break last sem, I have joined a programme under faculty to have a short internship at IJN in Kuala Lumpur. Ive gained a lot of knowledge especially on how to handle Medical Records, during my internship at IJN.

    Want to know more about me?


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