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The Wonderful World Wide Web

To see links to all of my pages go here

Information Resources

Don't bury your head in the sand - cults are a real danger. This site has all the info to ensure you don't get ensnared.

Kids corner

A place for the kids

Ian Manders page

For something completely different go here

Engaged couples
Are you just Married or engaged go here
Super Banana

The place to go on the web for the latest Super Banana comic strip. Also the home of Paul Thompson.

Paul Broadfoot

The Web presence of Paul Broadfoot.


Sonic Kollage
Cool Music group 
go visit them
Sonic Kollage


Calvin & Hobbs
Calvin & Hobbs has a new cartoon here every day
Calvin & Hobbs
Garfield also has a 
new cartoon every day


Free-For-All Links
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