Continuing Diary of what's going on

Diagnosis of new born Antony Kaleb Faid

Primary Diagnosis Meconium Aspiration syndrome

Secondary Diagnosis  - PPHN - Bilateral Pnuemothoraces - Hypokaleamia - Bilous vomits/aspirates

Which means Our baby decided to swallow Meconium and go into shock when he was being born (not a good start) to life

Dec 20th Ok Antony has decided to scare us and is in Middlemore Hospital with tubes and stuff coming out of him Pictures of our baby
Hello Antony

You've been born today! Quite a shock it must be- suddenly surrounded by load noises & bright lights. Everything happened very quickly' Mummy & daddy got a bit of a fright too.

December 21st  Antony is much better. This morning  I held his hand and he moved his fingers 

He's able to breath sometimes

But still is having problems

please keep praying

The doctors/nurses & everybody at Middle more has been fantastic in looking after our baby

More photos

of Antony  here

This flowers came from Judith (Anna's Sister in London)

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