O2 Species: D-F

Episiarch ab-Tandu-ab-Nght6:

A race of psychic adepts able deny reality and create a rent in space-time allowing for a quick and dangerous form of very rapid interstellar travel.  The dangerous and unpredictable Episiarch astrogator is controlled by pleasure and pain, and when not in use must be kept in a chamber of delusions where ghit can continue to deny an endless chain of alternate realities.  They have a shaggy amorphous shape with a big furry head.  An Episiarch vaguely resembles a BIG, brown, depressed, and eternally angry English Sheepdog who doesn't like YOU and is presently thinking about thinking you out of existence.  There are many indications that Episiarchs are totally incapable of participation in their own society, let alone in Galactic society.  Their Uplift is the focus of an on-going Galactic Uplift Institute investigation against the Tandu.  For some of the alleged Uplift violations in the Acceptor and Episiarch programs the Tandu could face very serious sanctions.  The Tandu have been less than fully cooperative and forthright with the G.U.I. investigators.  No findings have been issued yet.  (See ongoing GUI investigation of Tandu uplift malfeasance.)

Fonnir [absu-Ghuroo, absu-B'kak9kaa, absu-Soahvimvah, absu-Tarseuh,] ul-Koahgi, ulu-Ponoh, ulu-Narg8, ul-Norruhk, ulu-$yllobo9, ulu-Zemvinee, ulu-Zurinumiree:

The Fonnir are an Elder species.  Fonnir live a long time, and think deep thoughts.  They can be quirky mentally, but are virtually identical to each other physically --at least as far as Terran simians are concerned.  Neo-Dolphins and Neo-Dogs say that they can detect subtle differences in individuals, and in the same individual at different times.  Fonnir have not altered their physical appearance much from the long extinct proto-Fonnir.  They are still Neo-Dog sized, quadrupedal brachiators, bearing a superficial resemblance to Terran tree sloths.  Fonnir prefer to hang from things.  Fonnir rooms and urban architecture thus tend to be remarkably suspension (as opposed to compression) oriented (see image.)

Politically and economically, they have been in "decline" for a long time.  Their space fleets were sold to more ambitious races millennia ago.  Overt protection is provided by Institute-sponsored patrols.  (Tg.M.A.A.: It is worthy of remark that on those rare occasions when the sanctity of an GUI Elder Reserve has been violated by Main Sequence sapients, the protection of the institute has generally been quite unnecessary.)  The cities of their homeworld (K7kakk, located in the same sector as Earth) are almost empty, and some are crumbling ruins.  There are only a few Fonnir colonies left.  Most are even less lively than K7kakk, and a few have been placed under Preserve status or even declared Fallow.

In their prime, the Fonnir were a respectable, moderate race from an august patron line.  They were influential in the Uplift and Migration institutes, settled many worlds, and acted as Uplift Consort to over fifty client species.  The Fonnir uplifted seven clients in their time, but did not manage to inculcate strong clan spirit in them; all but one of the species went their own ways millions of years ago.

On some colonies, Fonnir live in a wild state, their great achievements forgotten.  These poor creatures do not seem very interested in breeding, and the few offspring produced are often not sentient.  (On a few occasions, devolved Fonnir have been "discovered'' by hopeful patrons and proposed for adoption as new clients.)  However, most Fonnir remain civilized and live to meditate, practice odd mental and psionic disciplines, and discuss ontology and eschatology.  They seldom use their status as a senior elder race to influence outside affairs.  When asked their opinion of the Streaker affair, the Fonnir replied with a lengthy, painfully convoluted philosophical statement that amounted to ``so it goes!''  Despite their hard-earned racial wisdom, Fonnir are often annoyingly naive at times, and (for Terragens) insufferably humble.  Naivete and humility are hardly universal attributes of the Elderly.  For example, one would not call the Kosh or the Krallnith naive or humble.

The Fonnir give every indication of being non-hostile toward Clan Terragen and the Confederation.  They occasionally sell A-level Hyperdrives to the Terragen Confederation. (Adapted from original text by Stefan Jones)

Forski ab-Soro-ab-Hul-ab-Puber:

An avian species.  All independence, adaptability and ambition have been bred out of them because they are too useful as domestics and entertainers to the Soro.

Tg Uplift Council note: Proto-Forski were long kept by Soro as pets.  (Yes, dear citizen, Soro females enjoy keeping household pets. By all accounts, they exhibit amazingly strong nurturing instincts . . . very strong nurturing instincts indeed.  See Hanuman de Basse-Terre,  You Always Hurt the Ones You Love: Hyper-Oedipal Features of Psycho-Social Development Among Female Soro.)  It is thus probable that ambition was not so much bred out of Forski ab-Soro as never bred in.  Whether this is because the Soro could not bring themselves to change the proto-Forski bio-social personality to a more competitive mode, or because it simply never even occurred to the Soro uplifters to do so, cannot be ascertained with information currently available to Terragen authorities.

From a Terragen perspective the "sad" story of the Forski (the Forski are, in fact, quite content with their condition) is a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of uplifting ones own domestic species.  It highlights ethical dilemmas that need to be faced by the Uplift Council as it undertakes the uplift of Dogs, Cats, Swine, and other similar species.  Retention of objective, wise, and committed Uplift Consorts will be of the utmost importance.



Chitinous species.  They tend to avoid Galactic entaglements.

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