Terrestrial species: A to C

Acceptor ab-Tandu ab-Nght6:

A race of psychic adepts able to probe, affirm and sense reality. Acceptors are used by the Tandu as sentient, biological sensors and psi-detectors.  They have a deep curiosity and love to observe everything.  Indeed, Acceptors are so taken with sensory input that it is quite difficult to get many members of the race to give adequate attention to personal needs.  The Tandu have "uplifted" and "educated" them, over the course of 40,000 hab-years of unusually harsh clienthood, to use and defeat mind shields, to recognize danger, and (after having genetically "addicted" the entire species to stimulus of any sort) to respond appropriately to reward and punishment.  They have spindly legs and elongated bodies.


Bahtwin ab-Gello ab-Soro ab-Hul ab-Puber:

The Bahtwin were discovered by the Gello during one of the many planetary surveys that Clan Soro has performed under contract for the GIM.  Clan Soro has come to specialize in high O-2 tension ecologies looking for prime Pila or Stheee colonization.  Mifparor had the desired high partial pressures of Oxygen but with its position barely within a habitable zone, relatively low relief, and slightly less gravity than on Earth, it was far from a Pila paradise while sea-level presures tended to be a little too low for the Stheee.

The Bahtwin came from swampy environments with deep forest and permanent thick overcast.  Massive tropical cyclones occasionally swept the Bahtwin's primordial habitat, but otherwise a near constant drizzle, mist and temperatures of between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius characterized the miasmal proto-Bahtwin home . The proto-Bahtwin lived by trapping or ambushing prey.  They were mostly arboreal, but were comfortable on the ground or swimming in shallow water.

They had no highly accurate long-range sensoria.  However, they an acute sense of smell complemented by quite respectable magnetic sensors that were attuned to bioelectric signals.  The proto-Bahtwin also had an array of infrared pit sensors and sensitive motion sensing external cilia.  In addition, they had a decent sense of hearing.  Today the Bahtwin still have the same senses.  This leads to a behavior Terragens call "puffiling."  A Bahtwin will puff on an object for the stimulus it provides to his or her cillia.  The Bahtwin will alternate puffs with audible sniffing.  If an electric current is near, a curious Bahtwin may also hold an object between its face and the magnetic source.

The proto-Bahtwin spent most of their time out hunting, but belonged to an "affiliation" having a central "meeting ground" and as many as 60 individual members.  Affiliates would periodically return to their group's meeting ground with food gifts.  At the meeting ground the proto-Bahtwin would nuzzle, groom, play, and mate with co-affilates.

For the proto-Bahtwin grooming was a critical hygenic activity.  In addition it played a critical role in the proto-Bahtwin social order.  Humid, high energy conditions predisposed proto-Bahtwin to parasites and infection. Infrared pits and cilla were particularly at risk.  Bahtwin still engage in self-grooming almost constantly and usually with little conscious awareness of their intrisically motivated habits.

Today's Bahtwin are still cheery members of Clan Soro, equally at home in crowds and and at solitary pursuits.  They have a remarkable empathetic rapport with most life forms.  It no doubt derives from a past as patient hunters complemented by their sensoria sensitive to temperature and magnetic stimulii.

Bahtwin are largely satisfied and loyal junior members of Clan Soro.  They can be found throughout the Empire in almost any capacity.  Many Bahtwin are gifted biologists and a number are active in the GIM and GUI.  The genial, easygoing Bahtwin are popular throughout Soro space and beyond.  However, the Soro themselves seem to have trouble taking the Bahtwin seriously and obviously prefer the more driven Pila as grand clients, though they are proud of very real Bahtwin accomplishments.  The Bahtwin could not get along better with the Gello.

Prior to the Siege of Earth, Bahtwin were frequent and enthusiastic tourists to Earth and its colonies, where alone among the Soro Clan they earned a reputation as pleasant guests.  Like many of the Clan's species, Bahtwin actually seem to enjoy Terragen company.  They are particularly fond of Neo-Chimps.

The Bahtwin are unusual among the Soro Clan in that they appreciate humorTerragens have noticed that Forski grasp the concept of humor well enough to discern its use --and sometimes can figure ot if they have been insulted.  However, Bahtwin living in Terragen space develop preferences for specific situation comedies and humorists.  They will even participate in animated critiques of comic routines, though they seldom repeat jokes.  It is no accident that one of the Bahtwin who took up residence in the Deemi Detention Zone after the outbreak of hostilities is the producer of a camp remake of the old Flipper series.  The new remake have become something of a cult hit among selected client species, including Neo-Chimpanzee, Neo-Dolphin, Tytlal, and Wazoon.

From New York's perspective the primary threats posed by the Bahtwin are their skill as sophtint agents, sneakship operators, and as commandos in certain very low illumination operations. In the Siege of Earth and the Occupation of Calafia Bahtwin crews are thought responsible for a plurality of kills on allied sneakships --including the lion's share against Synthian assets.

(See also, left profile of a Bahtwin, image of a Bahtwin Puffiling an Earth Flower.)



A snake-like and reptiloid species.  They were present as Uplift Institute Officials during the Uplift Ceremony for Neo-Chimpanzee.  (See also reptile.)

Brma ab-Krallnith ab-others:

Chattering, with stalk-like legs.  About to begin stepping off.

Brothers of the Night absu-Nighthunter (or Ebony Shadows):

Refer to each other by titles such as "Brother of the Dim Gloom" or "Brother of Twelve Shadows" and are commanded by the Eldest Brother.  The Brothers of the Night vaguely resemble Terran sea lions.  The proto-Bretheren lived in littoral areas of their home world.   Discovered by a third party, uplift rights were purchased by the Nighthunter who were seeking a highly adaptable client that could be transformed into the ultimate survival and war machine.  It would seem that the Nighthunter succeeded, because the Brothers of the Night are widely regarded as the most effective warriors in the Galaxies, soldier for soldier.

The Ebony Shadows are a highly adaptable and mutable race.  They have thick, seal-like fur, four flippers articulated like those of a sea lion, and six proper limbs.  The four posterior limbs end in flippers used for steering underwater.  All four flippers are capable of a power grip, but have no opposable members.  The front two limbs each end in four fully opposable digits.  When running, a Brother uses all six limbs, and can easily out-sprint a Human or Neo-dog.  Underwater they can accelerate faster than a Neo-dolphin from a dead stop and are more maneuverable.  However, Neo-dolphins have are much faster over any distance and can achieve a higher top speed.  Brothers have a pair of simple eyes with binocular vision, and a second pair of compound eyes set high on the head that make Brothers of the Night  very hard to surprise.  The nostrils are also atop the head.  The Brethren speak using their nostrils.  Brothers of the Night have external ears located just forward of the juncture between the neck and the head.  They have an inner and outer set of mandibles.  The outer pair act as a forward rudder, have formidable teeth, and have small tentacles around the edges that are capable of fine motor work.  During uplift, the Nighthunter added six gill slits to the neck of their clients permitting sustained activity under water.  In addition, the Brothers of the Night are very distant relatives of the Tymbrimi, and are capable of limited gheer transformations.

They travel in spear-ships.  They are highly xenophobic and fanatic adherents of an Inheritors ideology.  However, sources describe the culture of the Brothers of the Night as internally very warm and close knit.  The Brothers of the Night are regarded as very hostile to Earth Clan.  They currently hold considerable territory on Calafia in the three way war between themselves, Clan Soro, and the rightful tenant, the Terragen Confederation.

(See also: Sketch of a Brother of the Night chasing an Earth Carp by Dexter Mount Sinai; Sketch of a Brother of the Night skull, and David Dos Pasos and Dexter Mt. Sinai, "Among the Ebony Shadows". )

Bururalli ab-Nahalli [extinct]:

Came from quarrelsome and carnivorous pre-sentient ancestors.  They were granted leasehold of Garth shortly after being released from indenture about 50 KYA (215+214 hab-YA).   However, something went wrong and the Bururalli began killing everything in sight.  Only smaller creatures escaped this holocaust.  It ended when the Institutes of Uplift and Migration decided to check-in 128 hab-years later.  By then the Bururalli had abandoned all technology and were hunting with tooth and claw.  A multi-species armada was assembled and the Bururalli were wiped out down to, and including, the rootstock.

Buyur ul-Tunnuctyur [advanced]:

Former legal tenants of Jijo.  Squat beings resembling bullfrogs with elephantine legs and sharp forward looking eyes.  They were master shapers of useful organisms with a prodigious wit.  They spoke GalThree.

Caltmour ab-Brma ab-Krallnith ul-Tymbrimi: [extinct]:

Became extinct during a bloody interstellar war over 4,000 hab-years ago.  This was a great time of sorrow for the Tymbrimi.

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