Major Ideological Alliances


Anglic term used to describe a quasi-religious Galactic grouping that believes in the existence of ancient ethereal races that occasionally take physical form and undergo regular Uplift procedures, without ever revealing their true nature.  It is thought that these races --known as Great Ghosts --intervene during Galactic emergencies, with the Progenitors being the eldest, most aloof, and powerful of them.  This belief system dates back to the time of the Tarseuh, more than 600 million years ago.  The races subscribing to this belief system formed a temporary alliance with the Transcendor forces above Kithrup.


Superficially similar to the Inheritors, the Awaiters think that the Progenitors will one day return bringing wisdom and justice back to the Galaxies for a species-lifetime.  This doctrine is particularly popular with weaker species and those interested in reform.  (Note that not all Awaiters want what Terragens would consider progressive reforms.)  Some of its followers are prone to occasional chilialistic excesses and participation in violent movements resembling the Peasants Crusade or Anabaptism in Earth history.  However, in quieter times, most adherents are tolerant, and even socially pro-active.  It is disparaged by Inheritors as a subversive, weaklings' philosophy.


believe that when the Progenitors return they will be chosen to rid the universe of all unworthy species.  Members of this "alliance" not infrequently tend toward social Darwinism or xenophobia.  Others are retiring, largely non-violent, survivalists.
        Inheritors are not noted for cooperation among themselves, and "alliance" is something of a misnomer.


The Obeyers have often met the Abdicator Alliance in ritual battle.  The Jophur belong to this alliance.  Abdicator and Obeyer doctrines are quite similar, and both are rooted in the Tarseuh Alliance.  The essential difference seems to be that Obeyers believe not only in the principle of "abdication," but also insist that the Traditions of the Great Ghosts must be rigorously (and usually rigidly) followed.  A plurality of Obeyers believe that when a Great Ghost "incarnates" as a savior race (like the Tarseuh), the wicked (non-Obeyer races, especially Abdicators) will be scourged, and the righteous (the True Obeyer races) will inherit the Galaxies for the next mega-cycle.  Many Obeyer races who hold this doctrine of "redemption" have developed puritanical and exclusive ethical systems that converge with those of many Inheritors.
        Both Obeyers and Abdicators see the other "alliance" as corrupting the memory of the Great Ghosts, hence the periodic warfare between these two groups.

Transcendor (also known as Affirmer):

This group believes that sapience evolved naturally early in the history of the Galaxies.  However, this happened once, or at most a handful of times.  ALL subsequent (starfaring) sapience has resulted from the infinitely more productive procedures of uplift.  Consequently, almost all members of this "alliance" see Human claims to self-uplift as either egregious arrogance or pitiable superstition, or (most frequently) both.  The most charitable members of this group regard the Human self- (or spontaneous-) uplift story as "most improbable indeed."
        Transcendors (as a rule) believe that self-improvement and self-enlightenment are the meaning of life, both on a species and civilizational level.
        The Transcendors formed a brief tactical alliance with the Abdicator forces in the battle of Kithrup.
(See also "Spontaneous Uplift".)

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