UST College of Science: Departments: Guidance & Counseling
  Your Guidance Counselor


Your Guidance Counselor

Services Offered

Guidance Counselor Marivic M. Juan

Job Description 1. Conducts a class-to-class orientation about the guidance and counseling services at the beginning of the school year.

2. Gathers, prepares, and disseminates guidance information to students as well as to faculty members.

3. Consults with the administration and faculty members individually an in group concerning students' potentials and motivations; learning problems, behavior problems, underachievement, potential drop-outs, emotional problems, conflicts of attitude and values; explains functions of student personnel services; and help teachers identify students needing referral and process of making referral.

3. Counsels with individuals and small groups as to self-understanding and self-acceptance, needs and concerns, interpretation of experiences, behavior and special problems, educational programs and goals, career choices and life plans.

4. Selects, administers, scores and interprets psychological tests: mental ability tests, aptitude test, interest inventory, personality test to students according to individual needs.

5 Confers with parents or relatives of students having behavior problems, educational and career plans of students.

6. Assists in selection and admission services by administering entrance examination and organizing a criterion for selection for the College.

7. Makes referrals to competent people like physicians, psychiatrist whenever necessary.

8. Determines causes of failures, absenteeism, and other related problems within the objectives of suggesting remedies for such difficulties.

9. Determines the causes and reasons for complaints on functions and capabilities like poor memory, defective understanding, etc.

10. Provides guidance activities for the development of healthy attitudes and good relations with students, professors, and administrators.

11. Determines assets and liabilities that may prove of aid or an obstacle to the course or profession which the student selected.

12. Guides the students in the healthy choice of recreational sports, hobbies, and social activities especially as the students may need this to remedy their difficulties in the line of the extreme introversion, autistic thinking, and non-social behavior.


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