UST College of Science: About the Web Site
  Techno-Matters & Links


For CS Heads & Org. Officers Only

Our Thanks!

Techno-Matters & Links

  A LOT of serious & non-serious stuff!

First of all, this web site is designed for viewing with IE4 (as you have seen upon entering this site). If you are not using IE4, try running it now, then come back here. If you do not have one, download it from Boy, this one’s not just a browser: it has a lot of great & useful stuff (one of them is the capability to have an animated GIF as wallpaper — animating!).

Next, this site is created using Microsoft FrontPage 97. This is the reason why we recommend IE4 for viewing.

What? So you want to know how we composed the graphics stuff. They were made using Adobe PhotoShop (the web graphics staple app & graphics editing centre), Adobe Premiere (AVI decomposition), Microsoft GIF Animator (animated GIF composition), Caligari trueSpace 3 (3D Graphics/CAD) and JASC PaintShop Pro 4.

OK, OK, so you also want to know how we came up with the architecture of this site. Try for information about Third Generation Web Sites. Then, you might be visiting again, one of the web designer’s inspirations. Soon, we might use the list-handling site, to store the names of our alumni members & organization applicants. How’s that for your cyber life?


UST College of Science Espana, Sampaloc, Manila 1008 Philippines
Tel. /Fax #: +(632) 731-5728 | Tel: +(632) 731-3101 loc 224

Copyright © 1998 UST College of Science. All rights reserved.

Address your feedback to the UST College of Science WebTeam Advisers.
Last updated: 12 April 1998



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