UST College of Science: Organizations
  Chemistry Society

CS Student Council

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Eco-Watch Eco-Act Movement

Pax Romana

Red Cross Youth Council


Objectives 1. Foster camaraderie and brotherhood among the members and to develop the love for truth through the recognition of God's omnipotence

2. Promote the well being and growth of the members physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

3. Build better rapport among the members and faculty members and to realize one's role in the establishment of a community worth to live in.

4. Inculcate a deeper understanding of chemistry not only as a course but also as a future profession.

5. Develop to the fullest the potentials of science inclined students through research works, advanced experiments, projects, etc.

President Maria Marilon C. Consulta
Internal VP Nathaniel S. Santos
External VP Brian Jeffrey M. Cordova
Secretary Ma. Sharet P. Guevara
Asst. Secretary Kristine Anne Bragado
Treasurer Janeth L. Pangilinan
Asst. Treasurer Donnabel Kuizon
Auditor Charlotte M. Calonge
PRO Arvin S. David
Asst. PRO Aljay Reburiano

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Last updated: 12 April 1998



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