Newcomer's Handbook

Better known as, "What is there to do and how do I get started?"
NEWCOMERS; most asked questions:

What does SCA stand for?
SCA stands for the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is a group dedicated to researching and recreating the medieval times in the present.

Where did the SCA start?
The SCA started in Berkeley, California in 1964 all because a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy fans wanted a theme party.

Do you have to be a paid member?
No you don't, if you just want to go to local meetings and events. Although in the Kingdom of Trimaris, all Kingdom Events will have a $6 non-member fee after January 1, 2003 and local events have to charge at least $3 for their non-member fees, but they may decide to charge more. Also, you can't be an Officer nor can you participate in any SCA combat related activities.

How much does it cost for a membership?
There are three different kinds of membership:
Sustaining: $35.00
- sustaining members are eligible to hold office and any other privileges designated. They receive subscriptions to their Kingdom Newsletter
Associate: $20.00
- Non-subscribing membership. Associate members are eligible to hold office and any other privileges designated, except where other membership categories are required by Corpora or the Bylaws. Associate membership does not include subscriptions to any publications. Receives Membership card only
Family: $10.00
- per non-subscribing membership for immediate family of a subscribing member residing at the same address. Family members are extended the privileges of associate membership. A maximum of $60 will be collected from families with one sustaining and three or more family members [$35 +$25].

What are the benefits of a membership?
Let me count the get to be an officer, you pay less at events, you get publications [if you get a sustaining membership], and you can participate in combat related activities. There probably are more reasons to join, but I think that's a good start. ^_^

What do Officers do?
They take care of the businiess part of the SCA. They also take care of the members and make things run smoothly [or try to, at least]. It depends on what office they are a part of to be less vague.

What are the different offices?
There are many different offices, and here are the basics that most shires ["local branch"] have. Anything with a (OPEN) by it means that there is no one fulfilling that office at this time.

is the equivalent to the "chapter president" for the branch, serving as its legal representative to the rest of the world, and as its administrative officer.

the keeper of the branch bank account and financial records.

the person who makes announcements and helps people register their SCA names and devices [coat of arms & devices].

the person who takes care of the branch newsletter.

Minister of Arts and Sciences [Art/Sci]:
the person who coordinates the study of historical crafts and technology.

the person who supervises official armored combat and other combat-related activities. Has to be an authorized fighter.

assists new members, often works for the seneschal.

monitors site security and lost and found from events.

sees to it that water is available for fighters and others.

keeper of the branch's history and property.

Web Minister:
the person who takes care of the website.

A shire may add other local offices to reflect it's need and interests. One such office, for our shire anyway, is Dance Mistress, who teaches us various dances! ^_^

Where can I go for more information?
You can always check the online resources the the SCA home site, or contact the local Shire Hospitaller or the Kingdom Hospitaller's Office. I'm sure any of these resources will give you the information you're looking for.

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