Knee Pain

10 April 2005

(see also why my knee hurts)

didn't get very far today before my right knee started hurting badly. i had felt a slight strain during yesterday's ride, which got progressively worse throughout the day after the ride, even though i tried to take it easy.

sheldon brown has some good tips about knee pain.

he also offers some serious advice about standing while cycling, of which i am guilty of doing a lot yesterday.

so i hope this is just an inflammation and when it quiets down i'll check my riding posture and seat alignment.



a few days of low-stress biking and my knee has recovered. following sheldon brown's advice, i've raised my saddle incrementally until my leg stroke is at a comfortable maximum length. the front-back position of the seat seems fine; however, i did tilt it back just a touch, which seems to help keep me from slipping forwards.

i'm also standing very little, if at all, and using my gears to maintain a more consistent cadence.


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