Aum Gung Ganapathaye Namah

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassa

Homage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully Enlightened

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


A Collection of Articles, Notes and References


 (Revised: Tuesday, January 11, 2005)

References Edited by

An Indian Tantric

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

- William Shakespeare

Copyright © 2002-2010 An Indian Tantric

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8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.

            - Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)


1 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,

7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.                                                                  

8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.

9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”

            - 2 Timothy 3:1-9  :: New International Version (NIV)


6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

            - Hebrews 5:6 :: King James Version (KJV)


Therefore, I say:

Know your enemy and know yourself;

in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself,

your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself,

you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bc


There are two ends not to be served by a wanderer. What are these two? The pursuit of desires and of the pleasure which springs from desire, which is base, common, leading to rebirth, ignoble, and unprofitable; and the pursuit of pain and hardship, which is grievous, ignoble, and unprofitable.

- The Blessed One, Lord Buddha


Religion – the opium of the masses

            - Anonymous



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    • In the name of the Lord, with the invisible Lord as the witness.
  • No commercial/business/political use of the following material.
  • Just like student notes for research purposes, the writings of the other children of the Lord, are given as it is, with student highlights and coloring. Proper respects and due referencing are attributed to the relevant authors/publishers.

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  • Also, from observation, any material published on the internet naturally gets read/copied even if conditions are maintained. If somebody is too strict with copyright and hold on to knowledge, then it is better not to publish “openly” onto the internet or put the article under “pay to refer” scheme.
  • I came across the articles “freely”. So I publish them freely with added student notes and review with due referencing to the parent link, without any personal monetary gain. My purpose is only to educate other children of the Lord on certain concepts, which I believe are beneficial for “Oneness”.



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Kraig, Donald Michael. (Thursday, August 29, 2002) Psychic Attack — First Defense. USA: Llewellyn Journal.

Peruvian teenagers 'possessed' by Japanese TV cartoon. (Monday, November 04, 2002) UK: Ananova.

Re: Exchanges Within, page 8. (Thursday, August 29, 2002) World_12 Yahoo Groups Email.

Zoroaster, 1500 BC, NE Iran



Educational Copy of Some of the References




Kraig, Donald Michael. (Thursday, August 29, 2002) Psychic Attack — First Defense. USA: Llewellyn Journal.


"A real psychic attack is not usually caused by a person doing a spell to harm you. Rather, it is caused by a person or persons who for some reason are angry with you. Their rage causes them to unknowingly send a stream of energy filled with their anger toward you. What is more likely, however, is that you simply believe that some negativity is coming toward you. In either case, you will still feel as if you are under attack, and both cases can be dealt with in the same way." (p. 45-46)



Peruvian teenagers 'possessed' by Japanese TV cartoon. (Monday, November 04, 2002) UK: Ananova.




Peruvian teenagers 'possessed' by Japanese TV cartoon


The parents of three Peruvian teenagers say their children have been possessed by a Japanese TV cartoon show.


Christian Vilchez, who's 16, and 19-year-olds Jorge Vela and Edy Frank Castillo are fans of Dragon Ball Z and never miss an episode.


But, according to their parents, since watching it last week they have gone mute, had convulsions and lost their memories.


One of the teenager's fathers told Terra Noticias Populares: "It is all Dragon Ball Z's fault. My son is numb. I beg the authorities and the church to support me."


Doctors on the town of Tarapoto have examined Edy Frank Castillo and have not yet come up with an explanation for his condition. They continue to study the cases.


One of the cartoon's characters is Babidi, a mind altering wizard who uses his powers to "bring out the evil in people's hearts and control them".


Story filed: 15:22 Monday 4th November 2002


Personal Note

…lost their memories

I don’t know!



Re: Exchanges Within, page 8. (Thursday, August 29, 2002) World_12 Yahoo Groups Email.


To: [email protected]

From:  "gwgoodwin" [email protected]

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 06:50:30 -0000

Subject: [World_12] Re: Exchanges Within, page 8


SandyM <srm114@y...> wrote:


> > "QUESTION: The hardest thing for me personally is to

> > believe that I

> > am asleep or mechanical."


> I can't relate to this statement/question. It's

> obvious to me how overly identified I become with

> things in my life, how much I let my negativity

> express itself. How can anyone not see how much time

> in the day they spend reacting to things? How can they

> not feel like they are emotionally blown here and

> there by events? Are there ever any seeds of doubt

> that the way "things have always been done" may not be

> the best way?




"Possession of a magnetic center is the first, although quite

unspoken, demand of the esoteric circle. If a man without a magnetic

center, or a small or a weak magnetic center, or with several

contradictory magnetic centers, that is, interested in many

incompatible things at the same time, meets esoteric knowledge, he

does not become interested in it, or becomes critical at once before

he can know anything, or his interest disappears very quickly when he

meets with the first difficulties of esoteric work. This is the chief

safeguard of the esoteric center." --P. D. Ouspensky


Development in the direction of a higher level of psychological

possibility necessitates work in the direction that minimizes this

feature of sleep termed buffering. The psychological buffers men

develop in life, many a result of imitation, are exactly what make

sleep possible in a man. Remove a man's buffers and he cannot sleep.

Such a condition, the removal of buffers, drives an ordinary,

unprepared man into madness. Before the work to minimize buffers

begins a certain psychological process or preparation has to have

begun in a man, and this process has to be self-initiated. While

these buffers are intact an average man believes that life is a more-

or-less pleasant state of affairs, depending on the condition of his

health, his finances and his love-life. Average men feel it is

possible to casually examine various philosophies and interesting

theories without taking any of it too seriously. Men with the usual

set of buffers intact within their psychology are actually more

serious about their routine daily lives than any sort of 'exotic'

esotericism. Reality for most men is often limited to those things

that first feed their instinctive urges and secondly feed their self-

importance. When a man encounters a force which opposes his self-

importance his personality immediately retaliates with a series of

buffers. In order to socialize a man, to bend his essence into

submission and cloud it over with a coating of personality, many

inconsistencies have to be explained away and ignored. The

psychological devices that explain away and ignore the contradictions

in life are buffers. The chief buffer in the population in general is

the thorough acceptance of the commonplace social outlook, it is the

psychological immersion in the chronic social mentality that creates

a limited and formatory world in the minds of ninety nine percent of

the population. A man with a developing magnetic center increasingly

finds such an outlook impossible to believe. Those with a magnetic

center actually suffer from the effects of this social mentality,

they feel deep inside themselves that it is a lie, that somehow much

more is hidden behind the scenes of the everyday world. Particularly

this self-initiating process begins to direct its effects on the man

himself, not only does he cease to believe in the institution of life

in general, but he begins to disbelieve in himself. A man with a

magnetic center begins to doubt the perceptions of his own socially-

induced personality. A well-developed magnetic center is in the

process of losing the buffer of self-importance. As magnetic center

grows and the buffers in a man's psychology begin to melt, as the

glue that binds his usual condition of psychological sleep together

begins to dissolve, the man is forced to look deeper into himself and

the social order that surrounds him. If these buffers dissolve

enough, if the seams of sleep come apart sufficiently, the magnetic

center may actually recognize someone in the environment who is of a

fundamentally different order of life than the majority of the

general population.



Zoroaster, 1500 BC, NE Iran


The priests are required to be physically perfect as bodily imperfections as a sign of the devil and his demons



Published on internet: Monday, November 24, 2003

Revised: Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.


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“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!

(Reference: Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK: Rider & Company. Page: 35.)


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