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Wombat Control's Sci-Fi Images Collection

First Ones Images

White Star Images

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Babylon 5 Images

Earth Alliance Images

Battle Images


The battles of Babylon 5, from The Line to the battle for the station itself in "Severed Dreams." These are my older images, dating as far back as late 1996... yes, I've been around a while... :)

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The Battle Of The Line

The battle that almost ended human life, as a StarFury makes a headlong plunge into an entire Minbari battle group.

"One Last Battle"

The Minbari war fleet approaches Earth... just before their mysterious surrender.

Z'ha'dum #1

The Narn send a war cruiser to Z'ha'dum to see if the Shadows have awaken... guess what the answer is...

Z'ha'dum #2

A group of Narn fighters personally investigate what is going on at Z'ha'dum, and are ambushed by several Shadow fighters.

Shadow Attack

The White Star makes its first encounter with a Shadow vessel.

Station Chase

The battle for control of Babylon 5 rages on as StarFury turns against StarFury.

Keffer's Final Flight

Lt. Warren Keffer is about to be blown out of the sky by a massive Shadow battlecrab in hyperspace.

A Study Of The Line

A study of two ships, a StarFury and a Minbari fighter at the Battle of The Line.

Drakh Standoff

A fleet of White Stars are at a standoff with a fleet of Drakh ships. This is a pretty good detail of a scene in "Lines Of Communication".

The Battle For Earth Continues

Human turns against human as the battle to retake Earth continues...
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