Fresh Links From Chez Wombat!

These links are some of the sites that I frequently visit or would be of interest to Wombat Control visitors. If you have a link you'd like added to this page - e-mail Wombat with your suggestions.


Aint It Cool News
Want to know the latest info on the latest movies and television series? Harry Knowles has the hottest info from the boardrooms of Hollywood to you.

Yet another great source for insider information on the latest in genre film and television entertainment.
The Babylon 5 Space Combat Simulator would have been this years hottest game had it made it to store shelves. Join the effort to bring it back to life.

Want to know what the high-tech intelligentsia think about what's new and cool. Slashdot is one of the most visited sites on the net for its mix of the cool and the nerdish.

Sci-Fi Links

The Lurker's Guide To Babylon 5
The definitive Babylon 5 site, full of episode information and synopsis of the series, the TV movies and Crusade.

This has got to be the most inventive and cool science fiction series on the air today. If you haven't seen it yet, it's one of the best shows on TV, get Sci-Fi Channel and check it out.

Sci-Fi Channel
The Sci-Fi channel is a worldwide cable network showcasing some of the best (and worst) of science fiction. The channel that shows Farscape and the most likely network for a Crusade comeback.

A beautifully designed guide to the ships and technologies of Babylon 5 and Crusade.

Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
Learn more about the latest SF series from Roddenberry's notes. It's a very cool space opera with none other than Kevin Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt of the starship Andromeda Ascendant. It's definately worth a look...

Sci-Fi/3D Links

The Babylon 5 Modeler's Guild
The B5MG is the center for animators, modelers, and general sci-fi fans interested in cutting edge CGI.

Ever want to know how an X-Wing and a StarFury battle would turn out? These talented animators can show you.
Learn how CG experts do their trade, get the latest news and information and see CG come to life!

Alternate Perspectives
A British CGI firm, home of Kier Darby's White Star (and tutorial).

Earthside Gallery
JC Richard's awesome site for great original CGI and some models and tutorials.

Epsilon Jumpgate
Craig Condu's site of simply awesome sci-fi imagery. One of the First Ones of the B5 CGI scene.

The War Room
Great B5 CGI and original animations from across the pond. :) Home to Drakh's excellent B5 and SF models.

B53D Page
Fabio Passaro's website filled with several great B5 models and original artwork.

EON 3D Graphics
Nadab Goksu's page of unbelievably good 3D art and some excellent Babylon 5 3D models.

Parallax 3D
Chris Guinn's site chock full o' great CGI and original models.

The Lost Files of G'Kane
Mark Kane's excellent site with his great StarFury and Narn Cruiser models, and much more.

Flashfire's LW Resources
Joe Riddle's site which is packed full of everything from valuable LWScripts to nifty models and great tutorials.

Challenger 3D
Craig A. Clark's site of many nifty renders and a MaintBot that actually beats the dren out of mine... :)

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