Models Available
Wombat Control's Exclusive LightWave Models

Hyperspace 2.5

MainBot 2.5

Babylon 5 Station 2.0

Shadow Hybrid 1.0


LightWave Modeler can be a very intimidating program, but it's a powerful one, and the more you use it, the better you get. These are my creations for LightWave users to use in their own projects. However, I do ask that credit is given where credit is due. If you use one of my models in a project, and I encourage you to do so, just make sure you credit me for it somewhere on your site/a readme file/etc. That way I won't have to send the malicious Wombat paratroopers after you... :)


Hyperspace 2.5

The swirling red vorteces of Hyperspace was my first LW model. This model is suitable for 360 degree pans and is highly accurate.

Download now!

Click For A Larger ImageMaintBot 2.5

This is a fairly accurate recreation of the Maintenance Bot that is periodically seen around Babylon 5. This bot has fully manipulatable arms and is almost 90% accurate.

Download now!

Babylon 5 Station

My most accurate and detailed model ever! (OK, so that isn't saying a great deal...) A reproduction of the noble station that was the focal point of the best show on television.

Click here to download!

Crusade Shadow Hybrid 1.0

This experimental Shadow vessel was responsible for the destruction of the EAS Cerebrus. Handle with extreme care!

Click here to download!


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