The Undernet source for CP2020 Free Form Role Play


What is IRC?

IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a group of networks where users communicate in real time using an IRC client, a program that enables them to connect via a server to a network.

How do I get on IRC? Click here to go to the Undernet Website!

First, download an IRC client. For Windows I recommend mIRC, for Mac, ircle. Install the program and open it, then type in your desired server, port number, and user info. #CyberPunkCafe is on the Undernet, which you can reach using the generic server "US.UnderNET.Org". The default port number is 6667, but this is the busiest port, so try using any other port between 6660 and 6669. You will need to enter a nickname (up to 9 characters long) which is what other users will see in channel, and a user name, which will appear in your hostmask. Once you have the information entered, open a connection. When the server connects, simply type in "/join #CyberPunkCafe" and you're in!

What is Free Form Role Play?

Most people have heard of role playing games, the most familiar being Dungeons and Dragons. Refereed role playing games, or RPGs, involve statistical information and dice rolls under the supervision of a gamemaster, who creates a situation and determines the outcome depending on the players choices and rolls. Free form role play, on the other hand, has no set scenario and no gamemaster. Everyone contributes to the story line in a sort of interactive writing forum, simply responding to other characters and situations as they arise.

How do I start playing?

First, read the channel guidelines. Then write a character. Consider the setting of the game and write your character accordingly. For example, #CyberPunkCafe is set in the Dark Future of CyberPunk 2020™, a RPG from Talsorian Games. The year is 2020, and the rapid advance of technology has resulted the downfall of the government, with huge corporations taking over controlling small city-states and dictating the lives of their employee citizens. Cyberpunks are the rebels against the system, struggling to keep their independance in a violent world. Most of them are "cybered up" with various technological implants. Solos, or hitmen, roam the streets, Netrunners fly the fast paced world of cyberspace, Rockerboys sing their message of rebellion to the wild crowds in the underground clubs, Medias keep the corps on their toes publishing the truth behind the company soundbites, Techs and Medtechs keep the technology going, Fixers make the deals that keep the cyberpunk society functioning, Corps, well, they rule the place. Pick of these roles, or make your own role. For some examples of characters, check out the profiles page. Once you have your character, simply start interacting. Wander into the Cafe and strike up a converstation in character. Don't worry about being perfect. Any of the other players will gladly help you learn the ropes. Pretty soon you'll find yourself in the storyline.

Questions about CyberPunk Cafe, free form role play, or IRC? Email Lyssa.

[CyberPunk Central] [CyberPunk Cafe] [The CyberPunk Guide]

[CyberPunk Cafe Guidelines] [CyberPunk Character Bios]


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