
Ipperrian is a Magus with a secret: he has been summoning and controlling demons for the last fifteen years. He is quite an accomplished goetic magus, and as a result his Hermetic skill is slightly less than one might expect from his age and background. He has not sold his soul yet, but that day cannot be far away. He is corrupted with pride, even arrogance, although that will be shaken slightly by his experiences in the aura around Fulmen Candidum. He is basically fair and honourable, at the moment, and thus will hold to any deals that he makes with the covenant even when his pride re-asserts itself. At least for a while.

He is short, and rather overweight. He is clean-shaven and balding, and wears wizardly robes all the time. These robes are a deep blue, and don't really suit him. He is a Vim specialist, and nothing that the characters can do can touch him.


A young Bonisagus, only a couple of years older than the magi of Antrum Draconis. He is of average height, weight, and appearance, and dresses in peasant-style clothes, down to wearing leather armour on the journey to the covenant, so that the magi, other than Colette, may not even notice him at first. He doesn't have the Gentle Gift, though, so people will quickly cotton on.

He is curious, and eager to learn. While a theoretical Bonisagus, he is not a lab rat. He has visited all of Domus Doctrinae's vis sources in person, and spent a season studying them. So far, he hasn't learned a lot, and he would like to study the vis source at Antrum as well. He is a True Friend of Colette, which means that he can be trusted absolutely. He will ultimately supply some of the information needed to defeat the ritual.

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