
This page lists the minor changes that must be made to DCS to use it in Hârnworld.

Character Generation

Add a fourth Aptitude, Aura, and increase the point allowance by an appropriate amount. One third of the aging penalty should be subtracted from all abilities based on Aura. Human women get +2 to Aura.

Each character should be allowed 15 positive points of Aspects with which to buy bonuses relating to his star sign.

Non-Human Races

The Sindarin and Khuzdul are possible options for player characters. They need to be generated somewhat differently, however, and some other rules should be changed.


Sindarin characters get a bonus of +1 to their Physical Aptitude, +2 to their Social, and +4 to their Aura.

Further, they do not age, and are immune to all human diseases. This can lead to problems if a player wants to create an ancient character. There are Sindarin on Hârn who are 10,000 years old. A below-average Sindar of that age, with Aptitudes of 10, would have Cultural Abilities of 62. That is, he would be able to do virtually anything brilliantly. Such characters are not suitable as PCs, and it is probably best to start Sindarin characters at a similar age to humans.


Khuzdul characters get a bonus of +2 to their Physical Aptitude, +1 to Mental, and a penalty of -2 to their Aura.

Khuzdul age more slowly than humans. They start to age when they turn sixty, rather than thirty, and gain one Aging Point every two years, rather than every year. Old Khuzdul do not raise the same problems as ancient Sindarin, so the GM need simply keep an eye on things.

New Abilities


Resistance is an Endurance Ability, based on Aura.

Mental Conflict

Mental Conflict is based on Aura, and allows the character to struggle with alien forces in his mind, such as spirits attempting possession, or unco-operative magical items.


Converting from Hârnworld or Hârnmaster characters to DCS is relatively easy. For characters listed in Hârnworld modules, convert star ratings to skill as follows:
Star Rating Ability Rating
* 9-10
** 10-11
*** 11-12
**** 12-14
***** 15+

To convert a standard Hârnmaster character, generate a DCS ability value by adding four to the Skill Index of the Hârnmaster character.

Aptitudes are a little harder. Aura can be simply transferred. Mental Aptitude should be the average of Intelligence and Will, Social Aptitude the average of Comeliness and Voice, and Physical Aptitude the average of Strength, Stamina, Dexterity and Agility.

Magic and Psionics will be covered in their own sections.

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