Incorporate Fellowships

The Incorporate Fellowship program is generously sponsored by Biogene, GenDiver, Atlas Materials, and Lavender Organics, but administered indepently by HIST.

It provides stipendiary fellowships for Earth-based academics in subjects of less immediate relevance to life on Poseidon, on condition that they agree to hold a teaching post at HIST (or, in theory, at another university on Poseidon) for a period of at least ten years. The fellowship guarantees a stipend of at least 7500cs (as of 2199) for that period, and will also pay all relocation expenses.

The goal of the program is to encourage the growth of scholarship on the new frontier, and to prevent Poseidon becoming totally bound up with the immediate problems of colonisation. Applications are welcomed from Earth-based academics who hold a Ph.D. from a recognised university. There is substantial competition for these fellowships, and most successful applicants have published at least one book. Further particulars can be obtained from the HIST registrary.

Current Incorporate Fellows

Game Details

Despite the pressure that was brought to bear to get Susan Higham appointed, the Incorporate Fellowships are generally exactly what they claim to be. The Incorporate States involved are engaging in a little PR work (not least by 'proving' that they are not mortal enemies) which is unlikely to hurt their interests -- they don't really want to employ historians, after all.

There are more applicants than places, because the pay is quite good. It does, however, involve moving to Poseidon, and despite CommCore, many students of the humanities would prefer to be on Earth, near the libraries, museums, and primary sources. Anyone who would really want to be on Poseidon is most likely involved in a field immediately relevant to colonisation, and thus ineligible. Thus, the competition is not exactly fierce.

This means that the Fellowships are a good way of getting Scholar type characters from Earth to Poseidon, without having to make them implausibly wealthy. They also give them a stake in the colony's future, and a base in Haven.

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