Jerome Shurz's Home Page

Welcome to my little corner of CommCore. I'm a graduate student in the Philosophy of Science at HIST, working on problems of human/cetacean scientific thought. I don't have much up at the moment, partly because I spend too much time at the Tidewater Grill and No Man's Land.

I'm a Poseidon native, which is fairly rare in this place. Being a squid has only limited advantages when you're on top of the highest mountain around.

My Work

Cetacean Scientific Thought: A general overview of the problems I work on. I hope to add some thoughts on solutions when I come up with them.

Jerome Shurz

Jerome is a grad student at HIST, studying philosophy, which makes him unusual. He is also a Poseidon native, which makes him very unusual -- most of the students are Newcomers or their children, and almost all of the natives studying here are in the sciences. He was born in Haven, and his parents still live in Old Town, in one of the original colony houses.

Jerome is twenty two years old, and just starting his graduate studies. His work at the moment has two parts: a theoretical part, trying to explain cetacean thought, and a practical, interviewing and working with cetacean scientists. The latter part takes place mainly at New Fremantle, where Hydrospan have given him access to some of the less sensitive research laboratories.

As a result, Jerome spends about half of the year in the Poseidon Antilles, and he has adopted the Tidewater Grill as a place to hang out. The main reason is Patterner. Since the dolphin is curious about the human condition, he is ever-willing to get into long, involved discussions of psychology. Jerome keeps notes on these discussions, seeing them as usefully complementary to the more observational work he does with the scientists.

His older brother, Basil, works as a Warden, often around the Sierra Nueva cluster. They tend to meet up at No Man's Land, as Basil prefers to stay out of the centre of Haven and has no reason to visit the Antilles.

The course of studies is not too arduous, and Jerome is a very bright student. As a result, he has more free time than is really good for him, and thinks he has more than he actually does. As a result, he spends far too much time lazing around and talking to people, and acquiring radical opinions.

He is a native, and a squid. He feels that the low number of natives at HIST is unacceptable: most of the scientists were shipped in from Earth after Recontact, and most of the students are drawn from GEO and Incorporate families. His biggest complaint, however, is the tiny number of cetaceans (one, in fact) associated with HIST in an academic capacity. Part of this is due to the Institute's siting on top of the mountain, and Jerome would like to see it moved down to the water line. As a grad student, though, he has little influence.

His work requires him to have substantial contact with cetacean scientists, who are almost all dolphins, and mostly called Scientist, Scholar, Biologist, Geologist, and so on. He identifies them with numerical tags (Scientist-1 and so on) in his notes, but keeps this quiet, feeling that it is a bit closer to names than the dolphins would like. He does have a lot of friends in Hydrospan, and it is the only Incorporate State about which he has anything good to say.

He gets on well with cetaceans and natives, less well with Newcomers, and poorly with the Incorporate. His closest friends, apart from his brother, include Scholar, a dolphin who frequents No Man's Land, and Omri, an orca scientist from Sierra Nueva, to whom Basil introduced him.

Species: Human, Genetic Redesign (Squid Aquaform)
Origin -- Native
Background -- Wealthy
Education -- Graduate University (in progress)
Goal -- Justice
Motivation -- Curiosity
Attitude -- Cooperative
Profession: Scholar (nearly)

Mental Attributes: Awareness 50, Charisma 50, Education 65, Experience 22, Initiative 50, Intellect 65, Will 42

Physical Attributes: Agility 50, Appearance 54, Constitution 50, Dexterity 36, Endurance 78, Speed 50, Strength 44

Skill Groups: Communications 60 (Interspec 90), Culture 20 (Colonial 40, Earth 60, Native 60), Fine Arts 20 (Photography 40), Human Sciences 40 (Philosophy 90), Life Sciences 20 (Zoology 40), Physical Sciences 20, Scientific Method 20

Skills: Aquatics 50, Bureaucracy 60, Computer Operation 40, Driving 20, Psychology 50

New Skill

Philosophy [INT] The study of the fundamental problems of the universe: the nature of existence, knowledge, life, good and evil, and beauty. A Human Science.

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