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Kabanata 143:

Time: 1 am. Sorry po kung medyo (ok, sobrang) kulang at out-of-sequence ang sum na ito. Nag-OT ako at nawalan ng time na buksan ang mabagal at pashnea kong PC kaya kulang sa ibang details.

The epi opens with the three sanggres desperately trying to think of a way to help Pirena. Amihan already knows what she�s done to Gurna. Danaya tries to use the Earth Jewel but Pirena stubbornly refuses any aid and desperately tries to yell her sisters away.

Ybrahim is observing the training of the new recruits when Wantuk tells him of Aquil�s flight from Sapiro. The news seems to unsettle him (dapat lang no).

Speaking of whom, a still repentant and (gorgeous, I might add) Aquil is in plain clothes (I�ll never look at skirts and men in the same way again ) and carrying his signature twin swords. He plants them on the ground in a gesture of abandoning his life with the sanggres and starts to leave when the weapons begin to glow.

Four magical circles suddenly float and rotate around each of the hilts. He runs to them and goes into flashback mode.

A man wearing what seems to be a red roman legionnaire outfit is vainly trying to fend off two Etherian soldiers. One of them manages to mortally wound the warrior, and with the close-up shot we see that he looks exactly like Aquil (I actually thought that he WAS Aquil).

A cry of �Ado!!!! (Father!!!)� fills the air and from behind the trees a pre-teen aged Aquil runs to his grievously wounded father. With his dying breaths, Aquil�s father makes him vow to protect all encantados and eternally and faithfully serve the Queens of Lireo.
Flashback mode off.

Aquil realizes the error of his decision and pulls out one of the swords, the words of his father echoing in his mind.

�Habang nasayo ang mga ito, hinding-hindi ako mawawala sa tabi mo� (As long as these are with you, I will never leave your side).

Aquil looks up with a (very sexy) look of determination in his eyes. He picks up the other sword (both have stopped glowing) and goes back to Sapiro.

Back in the forest, the four sanggres are still in the throes of emotional breakdown. Pirena rightfully asks for forgiveness for all her sins. Lira refutes the statement, saying that she did nothing wrong and that she can still make up for it. Pirena agrees, saying that only her blood (death) can wash away her many sins. Alena pipes up ang tells Pirena all will be pardoned.

Pirena turns to Amihan, the one she hurt the most. Amihan shakes her head and cradles her older sister�s, saying had already forgiven her a long time ago.

Now there was only the sanggre of Earth. Danaya characteristically declares her refusal to absolve her oldest sister. Not until she accepts the healing powers of the Earth Jewel. Pirena joyfully concedes, and her broken flesh (as well as her soul) is whole once more. (Nakuha pa talaga niyang magbiro ano? Pero ang ganda ng moment nilang dalawa ni Pirena dito).

Pirena, fully healed, looks up in immense gratitude, and the best group hug I have ever seen in this series begins. Pirena is in the middle with Danaya�s head on her lap while Amihan and Alena wrap their arms around both. Lira also hugs them (kaso nag-mukhang awkward). Joy fills the air as the hearts and minds of the four sanggres are truly united (for the first time, I think).

But it soon become apparent that we aren�t the only ones watching the tear-jerking scene. From behind the bushes, Agane has also witnessed the reunion. And she is NOT pleased.

Somewhere in the woods, Wantuk and Ybrahim (kailangan ko ba talagang isama tong mamang to? Lunes pako walang gana sa kanya e) are searching for the sanggres. They�ve been gone too long and he�s worried something might have happened.

Wantuk leans upon a tree, and with a (surprising) wisdom that can only come from the truly objective, Wantuk tells Ybrahim that they need Aquil now more than ever. They need him to train the troops and prepare for the inevitable showdown with Hagorn. Suddenly, out of nowhere, several Hathors attack.

Back in Lireo, Hagorn is seated at the throne when Agane comes in. Hagorn rises to meet her. Agane hesitates, then breaks the bad news. Hagorn promptly explodes (figuratively again), pulls out the Kabilan, and hurls a bolt of his trademark red lighting onto a hapless pillar. Immediately Hitano and Asval, who felt and heard the shockwave, run to the throne room.

Still in the middle of the ambush, Aquil comes and helps them fend off the last of their attackers. And while Wantuk can�t thank Aquil enough, Ybrahim clarifies that this doesn�t mean he�s already forgiven Aquil. He will never be able to fully trust Aquil ever again (kala mo kung sinong magsalita, parang hindi siya ang nagdala ng kabilan a. Kita mo talaga kung sino ang mas mature sa kanilang dalawa).

Aquil answers back that he intends to prove his loyalty. He�ll return to Lireo no matter what anyone says (GO!!!!).

The three stooges are walking down a hall in Lireo, with Asval fuming (and plotting) over the bad news. He hadn�t counted on the sanggres reuniting, they need Sapiro�s treasure. Asval hatches a plan, and goes off to the ruined kingdom.

Muros is talking to two damas when Aquil comes in. Muros notices and leaves the two damas to talk to him. Aquil doesn�t blame him for his earlier defiance. Muros tells him that as a friend, he too wants to the old Aquil back. Ybrahim, who had just entered the room, saw the exchange and glares at Aquil.

Suddenly ____ (don�t know his name) enters, the queen has returned and has an important announcement to make. Muros goes ahead while Aquil avoids Ybrahim�s glare.

Amihan and the other sanggres enter, Pirena behind them. She announces Pirena�s return to the fold as the sanggre of fire takes center stage, much to everyone�s shock and disbelief. Wantuk and Apek, run in and see with their own eyes the truth. Ybrahim blurts out in anger, but Alena cuts him off (Beelllaaaatttt!!!!!! ), and Lira tries to persuade him of Pirena�s sincerity.

Insert Lira�s dialogue here. (Sorry guys, talagang inaantok nako e�)

Pirena, hurt and ashamed of her previous actions, starts to leave when a moved Aquil calls her. Pirena turns around and sees Aquil humbly bowing before her. Muros follows suit, then the other soldiers, then the damas, then Wantuk and Apek. Even a skeptical Ybrahim grudgingly follows suit. We finally see hope lighten her beautiful face. In tears she thanks them for their acceptance. Never has she felt so wanted. Her sisters close in and hug her with a love that only family can give.

The joy is felt all the way to Cass den. Cass, who was making inventory of the her precious hoard, feels the love in Sapiro, and rejoices in it.

Cass: Malapit na akong makalaya sa gubat na kinapipiitan ko. (Soon I will be free from this jungle that imprisons me).

Ybrahim is shown very drunk, (Bakit kaya? Kasi naitsapwera siya? Hwek-hek-hek. Peace. Medyo bangag nako.) taking on an entire J&B-sized bottle of strong Sapirian wine (wine nga ba yun o lambanog? Basta matapang).

After several more glugs, he finally collapses and lies down on the bench. Asval orbs in and sees him. An evil smile crosses his lips and he approaches the sleeping warrior. He raises his axe to strike and the scene cuts off just as the weapon goes down�

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