I have a list of your favorite sites from the World Wide Web.

Passes checker testAlberione Sahitya Sangeet Academy
Welcome to Alberione Sahitya Sangeet Academy. A website for the Brothers and Sisters of Pauline Family to develop their talents and use them in their apostolate of preaching the Good News of Jesus to the world of today.

Passes checker test ASSA
ASSA (Alberione Sahitya Sangeet Academy) established in honor of James Alberione, the founder of the Pauline Family who streaked across the horizon of mass media like a meteor, blazing an amazing trail, during the last century. It has rendered a great service especially to the youth by encouraging them to discover and develop their talents in the field of literature and music.

Passes checker test Pauline Family Pictures
Welcome to view the pictures of Pauline Family. The picutres of the Silver Jubilee celebration of our Provincial Fr Devassy Athalathil and General Councilor Fr Jose Pottayil brings the event afresh and makes it apt.

Passes checker test Inspirational Quote
Welcome to Inspirational Quote. A Website of gems of wisdom, Anecdotes, Poems collected and edited by the Brothers of the Pauline Family. You too can contribute and share the richness of this website.

Passes checker test St Pauls & Myself
Welcome to join in as a member of 'St Pauls and myself'. A Website that offers life and mission of the Brothers and Priests of St Pauls in general and Brother Arockiam in particular.

Passes checker test Fr Philip Muthukulam ssp
Rev. Fr Philip Muthkulam ssp is a well known priest in India for his writings on various themes. He was the editor of the Sunday Liturgy A Liturgical Animation Quarterly in Allahabad, India. At Present he is the animator of the community of Pauline Brothers in Bangalore. You are welcome to read his poems.

Passes checker test Fr. Thomas Muthirakalayil ssp
Called to be an apostle to communicate Christ and His Gospel through the Mass Media, after the example of St Paul and as visualized by our Founder Blessed James Alberione, I welcome you to share my experiences of the love of God in my life.

Passes checker test Father Jose Paul ssp
Father Jose Paul is a Religious Priest in the congregation of St Paul, residing at Allahabad community. He is the superior of this community for the last six years. Born on 2nd August, 1951 at Thavalappara, Ernakulam District, Kerala, India he joined in the St Pauls on 16th July, 1971 and ordained 19th December, 1981. You are welcome to know more about him.


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Aggy's Sanctury -- About Us - St Pauls International - St Pauls India
ASSA - St Pauls Allahabad - The Teenager - Sunday Liturgy

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