Welcome to Gallery "Mandala"

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Earth Star
Earth Star

Love Manifest
Love Manifest

Star of Omega
Star of Omega

Chakra Diagram
Chakra Diagram

New Alchemy Star
New Alchemy Star

Earth Mandala
Earth Mandala

Star of Terra
Star of Terra

gallery oasis   ->    gallery whites   ->    gallery chill   ->    gallery mandala

- about the artist -

Klaro was born in Oregon in 1946.  He has lived and has had studios in Wash. D.C.,
suburban Maryland, Berkeley and Santa Cruz, California.  Since 1977 he has
resided in the coastal range of n. California: Humboldt Co., the "Emerald Triangle".

- artist's statement -

                      hey, you know!?!

                      living is the Art and the work is merely a reflection of that; who you art.

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