Day in the Life...

















Morning Session

Afternoon Session

9.00 - 9.15

1.00 - 1.15



The children are welcomed at the door and then sit on the carpet for registration.  The weather, day and date are discussed at this time and the children are introduced to the day's activities.  Any special news may also be discussed.






Free Play



Morning Session

Afternoon Session

9.15 - 9.45

1.15 - 1.45



The children are free to choose from any of the planned activities on offer.  They also have the opportunity to impart 'home news' to friends and staff.  Activities for the free play sessions are chosen from the wide range of resources that we have available.  These include:






Circle/Quiet Time/Milk Time



Morning Session

Afternoon Session

9.45 - 10.05

1.45 - 2.05



During circle/quiet time, he children are split into small age related groups, where according to their age, they will work on an activity aimed at extending their skills in one of the six areas of learning.  After this, each child is offered a drink (either milk or water) that they take turns in serving to the rest of their group.






Indoor and Outdoor Play



Morning Session

Afternoon Session

10.05 - 10.55

2.05 - 2.55



Once again the children are free to choose from any of the activities on offer from earlier in the session along with outdoor play.  Outdoor play also reflects the six areas of learning and so will also have different activities on offer each day.  During this time the staff will be working with the children in order to stimulate their thinking, develop their language and mathematical skills and encourage problem solving.  Towards the end of this session all children are encouraged to help with the tidying up.






Music/Story Time



Morning Session

Afternoon Session

10.55 - 11.20

2.55 - 3.20



During this time the children will have the opportunity either to experience a range of musical, dance or drama activities or participate in a group story time.









Morning Session

Afternoon Session

11.20 - 11.30

3.20 - 3.20



The children are encouraged to put on their own coats before going home.






  Activities for the free play sessions are chosen from the wide range of resources that we have available.  These include:  
Sand and Water Construction Toys Science and Technology
Imaginative Play Small World Toys Pencil Activities
Art and Craft Maths Activities Outdoor Play
Puzzles Books Games
  The most important aspect of your child's years at Ashridge Nursery is that they should be happy and secure within the nursery environment.  
  Top of Page   Registration   Free Play   Circle/Quiet Time/Milk Time   Indoor and Outdoor Play   Music/Story Time   Going Home   Activities  
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