The Library

You enter a hall filled with old books on shelves.  A few dragons mull about looking at books or typing on some computers in a corner.  Near the door a happy looking dragon reading a paper looks at you.  "howdy!" he calls.

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You saunter over. 

"Can I help you?" He asks.

You nod.  "I am looking for some information on dragons."

"Why then! You have come to the right place.  Just look over on that table and there are some notes someone dropped off for you."

You thank him and wonder over to the table where there is a scroll.

Interesting Dragon Facts


Western Dragon Legends

*Eating a dragon's heart will allow a person to understand birds

*Eating a dragon's tongue will allow a person to win any argument

* Rubbing a dragon's blood on your skin protects against stab wounds


Eastern Dragon Information

* Three families of Eastern Dragons

       1) 3 toed--Japanese

       2) 4 toed -- Indonesian or Korean

       3) 5 toed -- Chinese

* In China Dragons are known as lung

* 4 types of Lung

     1) Tien-Lung--The Celestial Dragon

     2)  Shen-Lung -- The Spiritual Dragon

     3)  Fut's-Lung -- The Underworld Dragon

     4)  Ti-lung -- The Earth Dragon

* In China, people were put to death if anyone but the emperor was wearing the 5 toed Dragon


*  Is a dragon that has its tail in it's mouth

* Discovered in Greece and Egypt

*  Symbol of the Eternity and/or the Universe

Next to the notes there is another scroll.
Read the scroll of Dreamer Castle Knights

You look back at the other dragon questionably.

he answers, "If you enter the Tower of Knowledge and pass through you become a Dream Castle Knight. Those are they who passed through. It is a great honor. I need to get back to my reading though now. Good bye and good luck!"

As you turn to leave you notice another dragon hailing you over to him. You approach unsurely.

"Greetings! My name is Turna-Tu. I noticed your interest in the books we have here."

You nod silently.

"Well, I'm a guard here and could lead you to some of the dragons that live here. They were all adopted, but I asure you it is safe. I myself came from an adoption agency located at Malathat's World. Anyway, enough reminicing. I can tell you a little about their personalities too."

Sure, show me some of the adopted dragons.

No, thank you.

Get me outta Here!

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